well today was kind of a bust!! i headed out this am for my LDS social service appt..only to be met with some HORRIFIC traffic!!! i guess by now you've all heard how the 91 or the 215 all lanes were shut down ALL DAY!! so i ended up calling in and they said the social service person was stuck in the traffic..so no need for me to sit in it too..
i met back here with the bishop and r/s pres to get a few more things figured out..
then i headed down to try to find 4 white dresses for my girls for the 2 weddings coming up..and one black dress for me..i ended up only finding the one black dress which i think i'll be taking back tomorrow..funny how things aren't as cute when you try them on in your own home!
Kellie was here to help for the day..for the most part it was a quiet day..jon ended up just staying in bed...he'll try again tomorrow..he did however make it in the commode chair tonite! so thats good!!
were finishing up with him to get him settle down for the nite, then i will have to rework his schedule..it keeps changing due to things that are happening with him..
because of the traffic neither of his PT or OT showed up today..
tomorrow will be another long big day again, jon will have his PT and OT tomorrow as well as needing to get in and out of the truck for his urologist scan/appt tomorrow..i will also put a call into the doctor to see if we can have some sort of scan for his one artery that he's concerned about. It was severed, not completly though during the accident..we were told it would heal on its own...and that because his other artery was SO strong, it was doing all the work and he'd be fine..it would heal and work together again..he's had 3 scans already and nobody has said anything about them..so i think we'll do another one and MAKE sure nothings wrong with it or they havent missed anything...
i will also call his pain doctor and ask him what else we can do about this pain his still constantly in...we've already raised the nuerontin..so we need to figure out something else to do as well..
well - thank you to everyone who had fasted with us this past sunday - we can SURE see the blessings because of faithful people around the nation!! im so grateful! im soooo lucky to have people that dont even know us- pray for us, think of us, fast for us- its one of those things that i sit and think about all the time..thank you.
as i was walking thru the mall (in 10 weeks kind of my "first outing") i realized there is SOOOO MUCH STUFF!!! i thought about how i would usually go in this store for cute shoes, or this store for a cute dress, or this store for something for the house...SO NOT NEEDED i realized!!! i really thought about how little we really need to be happy...i guess maybe for me...while i have a husband who is just laying in bed day after day in pain..i realize there's too much "stuff" in the world and not enough time spent on important things that really matter...maybe thats one of the many many lessons im to learn..
2 years ago
it sounds like in some ways things have gotten a little bit better. I am glad for you to have some of those normal things in your life- the movie and b-bque.. how nice for you guys to feel that, and maybe take your mind away for a bit!
I am so with you on too much stuff! I remember after my mission, coming home to unpack all I left behind, and was like, what did I need this for? why was this so important? It is easy to get caught up in it- needing this, wanting that... but it is also so tough to teach children. ( I have 3 kids about the same ages as yours) anyway it is a good feeling I think when you can let go of things... I have a good friend who when I saw her new home for the first time- it is a big beautiful home, I was oohhing and aaahing and different things, and she said simply- "it's just a house" that sticks with me, as I will most likely never have what she has, and it doesn't matter.. you won't take it with you- just your relationships.
again, I know you hear this all the time.. thank you for the example. I cry telling my husband about some of the things you deal with. I am so impressed by your focus- your clear mind and your ability to really focus and know what is important right now. I can't imagine Jon's frustration- but I bet he is so relieved to have you- loving him and caring for him!
hope your day is great!
lauralee in WA
I've visited your blog several times (via Amie and Claudia) but I haven't ever commented.
I am amazed everyday at how you have dealt with your "new" life and really tried to make the best of it. I cannot believe the strength, and positive attitude you have and how lucky you both are to have such a strong bond and love for one another. It is a testament to your girls.
I loved your blog today, because there are so many times I get involved in too much of the stuff in life. I need this, I need that, but in the end.. does it really matter? Sometimes I wonder if it will take me a lifetime to realize this and why can't I get it through my thick skull.
Our prayers are with you and we hope y'all will both be able to find a little peace.
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