Thursday, May 25, 2006


well tonite was pretty stopped by to check up on jon...looks like now we'll be cathing him every 3.5 hours vs every 4 hours..were going to have to change the cath equipment we've been using to something different..thats another thing i'll have to figure out..

then dacy came over to do range of motion with jon..thanks dacy! the elders quorum i believe is in charge of that with him-- which will be SOOO nice to always be stretched out like that!!!

then the rest of the night was trying to keep 4 girls quiet and ready for bed, then running back downstairs to help with jon, running back upstairs to help with the girls, back and forth..its now 830 and i think ive got the girls now its back to working with jon..its only 830 and im ready for bed!!!

jon seems to be a little bit better..tonite he has another effexor and then tomorrow nite we start to double up on we'll see what happens..thanks again for all the tips on how to stop will help!

oh great..the PT girl called..i guess shes newly pregnant and so the doctor is taking her off work for 2 now we get to "wait and see" if someone else will show up at the house..tomorrow she was suppose to come..but she doubts anyone will come since she just found out she has to switch everything around..then monday is a now we wait longer again..i can HARDLY wait to get him into some real therapy!!! i feel like NOTHING is happening with him in that regard...

well - back to business..


kellibelli said...

Christina, I am constantly amazed by your strength and outlook on are incredible. I believe that God only gives us what we can handle. How you have all responded to this extremely hard trial shows everyone how truly amazing your families truly are. We pray everyday for your sweet family. You are an inspiration to all of us. If I am having a "bad day", I quickly try and change my attitude because I think of your example. Hopefully you will continue to find peace in the fact that you and Jon really are changing and improving lives everywhere.
Please tell Jon he is amazing and that we are hoping the best for him and your family.
Sincerely, The Dix Family

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the trials you and Jon are going through. After Matt had her spinal surgery we went on this roller coaster of pain management. To little and Matt was in agony, to much and she couldn't function, it was very much like your "middle lane" analogy.

I totally understand the frustration of feeling like there's no progress being made in getting help when you need it. At times it made us feel like we were the only ones who were doing anything to get Matt help and we felt completely abandoned by our doctors. Fortunately though things did come around, though only through our persistance, and Matt got help. I'm sure this will also be the case in you guys getting the help you need.

We're very sorry to hear about Jons pain. Our hearts go out to you and Jon. It's literaly torture to have to watch someone go through that level of pain and not be able to do anything about it. You find yourself telling the powers that be that you'd gladly take on the pain yourself just to give a little relief. And you would in a hearbeat if there was any way.

We sure wish we could do more from here. Do you guys still need sheets? What size? If you find the time,could you send me your address and phone in an email to I mentioned that I have apparently lost all that information somehow but we so want to stay in contact with you. Please let us know if there's anything we can do. We love you guys and you're in our thoughts constantly.

Matt and JP