Sunday, April 30, 2006

took the Percocet..

Well i called back at 1130pm..i asked the nurse to see if he was asleep or not..she went in and he was still in extreme pain so he asked to go ahead and take the i just PRAY forever..i will all night..that he'll be okay..
i will call tomorrow morning to see what happened and update everyone..


Jon is struggling right now..he's at a solid 9...its very difficult..he says its the worst he's ever been...they want to give him Perocet..but he's hoping his Norco and sleeping pills will do the trick..
its so really does seem like the doses they give him work for 3 or 4 days then his pain level goes the medication dose or strength goes higher- then that works for 3-4 days..then same thing his pain level goes higher again..and up goes the pain meds..we just dont understand it...
besides all of his pain..robert says he had a great day..he actually "kicked off" which means his bladder may be coming back to function..that means essentially his bladder released a good amount of urine without a cathadure..which is FANTASTIC! he also ate ALL of his breakfast ALL of his lunch and ALL of his dinner! Russell Santos and i think Chad Thompson brought the sacrament to him..and Jon picked out his OWN piece of bread!!!!!!!!!!!! unbelievable!!! it was a very moving experience i hear..
im so sad that his day was sooo good only to hear him struggling with his was so hard to be on the phone and his nurse try to help and then to hear her say.."jon what can i do for you to help you?" she was so sincere too..i knew she really wanted to help him somehow..he just told her..its just in a lot of pain and there really isnt nothing you can help me with to make it better..ill just lay here and wait to see what happens..
we said our prayers together..then he said he was hoping the sleeping pills would kick in..he could tell that his brain was SO tired but his body was in too much pain and so it wouldnt let him go to sleep..i told him i'd just stay on the phone till it hung up on me..his phone is voice unless he responds in 10 seconds after it will hang i waited for the hang up..
i will call in 30 minutes to see if he got to sleep..i will call and ask the nurses..i absolutely hate this...i just dont understand whats going on with his body..why it keeps getting worse pain wise..things like this make me SO NERVOUS thinking about having him home! if we dont have is pain managed before he gets home i just dont know what will happen?? how can i even go to bed like this..knowing hes just over there by himself suffering..
just pray for him..i imagine most of you probably wont get to read this till in the morning..i hope by then i have better news..we'll get through this..


more photos

more photos..

more photos..


The fundraiser was a HUGE success!!! I met Jon, Mark McKell, Scott, Mark and Jennifer at the hospital with Jon. Mark and I transferred Jon into the car and off we went...we drove up to the park and were AMAZED at HOW MANY people were there!! it was amazing!!! SOO many of my extended family were there, so many of the friends we grew up with were there, so many from our ward, school and community were there- it was so neat!!!
Jon gave a little speech as did I and then Jon got to speak with as many people as he could..then it started to get cold so he gets extra cold and pain can set he asked to be taken back to the we left..we were there for a good hour so that was great! i was SO very proud of him!!
We got back to the hospital and transferred him back into bed..then he ate a green burrito from del taco - his favorite and took some pain meds and was getting ready for bed for the night..he REALLY enjoyed himself!! surprisingly it was THE FIRST time we felt helped us to realize we can do this together - and the family..this will be our new way of life and we can do got us VERY excited for him to come home..for us to know we wont be living the rest of our lives at a was really neat..
Celesta called when i got home and told me that they had raised just under 15k!! can you believe that!!! how wonderful!!! that money will help with so many things! we are so lucky!! we couldnt have done any of that with out such good friends as Celesta, Amy and Tracy and the team that put that together- thank you to all of you!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

Jons coming to the park!!

Well it looks like Jon is cleared to come to the park tomorrow!!!! Hes really excited to come!!! I will meet Mark Mckell and Scott Hales there tomorrow at the hospital at 4pm..we will get jon into the vehicle and drive to the park where we will get him out of the vehicle and into his wheelchair..PLEASE know that he'd LOVE to meet and talk with everyone but he only has so much strength..he will say a few words and then back into the car he goes to head back..this will be a very special time for Jon..pray for his strength tomorrow and that the Spirit will be with him..

Jon survives!

Well Jon survived his Carls Jr outing with his PT guys..he said he didnt do much..they wheeled him into a van and locked him in and down..then he wasnt hungry -- he kept saying who eats at 11am?!?!?!?!?
He came back to his room and got back into bed...i arrived about 1pm..along with Mark McKell...sheldon mcgee was suppose to meet me but he ended up breaking his wrist just a few hours before he was to meet we called around and Mark was able to come..the PT guy Bill worked with us to get Jon in and out of a vehicle..its MUCH easier with two thats what we worked on..Mark and I make a great team! so now we will be able to train/teach others how to do it..
After that he rested a bit and got back into bed..he was ready to take a little i left him with his mom Sandra to care for him..
All in all its been a good day for him..

where's my bathroom dad???

Wanted to share my bathroom..or lack there of!! i picked out the tile for it with my dad..then i realized this am..its will pretty much look like the flooring color of the wood thats already down that you can see...ill for sure show after pics too..

Help with Jon...

Well after talking to the insurance company..they do not pay for someone to come in and help me take care of him..that is all out of my pocket..."care giver" is the common name used for what i need..
SO im asking all nurses out there or anyone else that has contacts..ive written out jons daily schedule..and it looks like i will or would LOVE to have someone to help me in the morning from about 730am-830am and then again at 630pm-9pm...depending on how much can get done..those times might be shorter...i know Jon is a little nervous about having someone he knows or from the ward doing the work for obvious if any of you that have offered services have any tips or ideas or contacts or suggestions that would be SO helpful!


WHEWWWWWWWWWWW we have a new price on the wheelchair THANK GOODNESS!!! its still a lot but not nearly like it was before!!!
the new price is...close to 10k..MUCH better then the 35k!!!
They had accidentally added an extra number in there -- OOPS!

Tips for fundraiser...

For those that plan on attending the fundraiser..PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CHAIRS if possible..there will be hotdogs, soda and chips to purchase..
for CANNOT park on the street Deercreek - you WILL get a ticket if parked there.. you CAN park on Grove Community Drive OR in the dirt parking lot behind the park/baseball fields...
the event will be on the DeerCreek side of the park..use for a map and the street is orange terrace parkway in riverside..

there will be signs for you coming up off the 91 frwy up Van Buren Blvd..keep in mind its a good 7-10 minute drive coming up Van Buren...there will be signs..look for them to help guide you..the signs will just say "JON HALES"..

Hope you enjoy the event!!!!

Help for fundraiser set up..

We need further help with the fundraiser set might be best for those of you that have BIG SUV's to meet at celesta's house about 2pm to load up as much as possible to make it in one trip over to the park that is close to her house..
PLEASE contact Celesta to let her know you will be there with your truck to transfer things over..

We also need any of the YM to help set up tables and canopy type things at 2pm at the park as well..if Kyle Snow is able to round up the YM..please do so and meet at the park to grab the tables to set them up and the canopies..

We also need a few couples that can stay on site at the park while things are being transfered....if anyone is able to stay at the site from 2 till it starts please call Celesta as well..

We're a little worried since this is the first time anything like this is being any help you are able to offer and to help to facilitate and make things run SMOOTH would be SOOOO helpful to Celesta and the team putting the fundraiser on..

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You are all so amazing!!!!

girls taken care of..

Kristen Thompson is coming from 12-3pm and Susan Mckell will be here there after..feel free to contact Susan after 3pm to see if she needs any further help with the girls - thanks kristen and susan!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Need help for Friday..

I did want to not sure how my day will turn out tomorrow..but i will most likely need to be at the hospital for that training..i believe it will take place after 12 noon sometime..and i do not know how long i will need to be there or how long i will stay..
if anyone is available to be at my house or take my girls that would be SO HELPFUL!!
my older 2 will be in school till 3pm..i will have the younger 2 here at home..please call me tomorrow morning after 9pm and let me know if i can possibly
work something out..if people need to do a couple shifts (2 hours here type thing) please let me know..i believe sandra will be taking the girls back with her to Orange County around 7ish..

Ended on a good note..

Today was good for dad ripped out my bathroom! He's the man!!! Then Tracy came over so I could head over with my dad to the tile place to pick out which was best to put in took me a while..but i think i've found something that will work...we then parted ways and i headed up to see Jon since i was already stuck in traffic anyway..i called Sunny Eggleston and she came to release Tracy so she could go to her Leadership meeting..Thanks you guys!
Jon was in good spirits when I go to him...shortly there after the doctor came in and talked to jon, myself and sandra...we discussed that he feels like he might be getting acclimated to the baclofen..and that although his pain stays at a 7 most the time..there have been a few times its spiked up to an 8..they did a whats called a "tens unit" on jon..its a patch that sends electricty to his muscles..he said it didnt do much..but the doctor said he wanted to train me on it because that way i could send it to be more pulses or less pulses to find which one might work for jon..they are very expensive..but ive heard that people can rent them first to see if it even makes a difference before you purchase one..i feel like were purchasing ENOUGH HIGHLY priced things..if this doesnt work no need to spend more money!!!
Sandra soon left after that and I helped him with his "bowel program" which essentially means going potty..which he says use to take him less then 2 minutes now takes 2 hours...there's a lot involved..then we got him back in bed..i changed his day clothes to night clothes..and then the nurses took over from there..
im so very grateful i got to go see him today..i miss him so was great to see him in better spirits and not so out of it..he talked WAY more then he has the past 3 days hoping the baclofen is working with his body..
please pray that his body acclimates to the that he's more himself..PLEASE pray for him especially tomorrow..they are taking him to carls jr!! its his FIRST time out in the outside please pray that all will go well..that his spirits will be good and his strength to do so...i think this may be the first time he will see what its really like to be in a wheelchair in the real world type thing..i imagine he'll have SO MANY pray for his strength in all ways...also pray that he will be able to come on saturday- he REALLLLLLY wants to pray that that will happen for him..that his body will allow that..he really wants to see whats been happening "behind the scenes" he says..he keeps hearing about different things regarding this fundraiser and he wants to witness for himself the magnitude of the affect he's having on so many many many lives..i imagine he'll be SO emotional! but i'll be standing right next to him with the wet washcloth that he'll need to wipe his eyes-- because they burn when he tears please pray for these specific things...
tomorrow they are going to train sheldon and myself to transfer will be up to the both of us to get him into the car and out of the car on saturday! NERVOUS!!! i hope we dont drop him or hurt him in anyway!! im sure we'll be okay though..but its still nerve racking!! please pray for the both of us that our minds will be clear as the train us ..that it will make sense and that we'll (more me the sheldon) will utilize the RIGHT muscles so that we (again mainly me) will not injury ourselves..
THANK you to everyone for the help..its so wonderful to be around so much positive!!


Talked with Sandra..jon is still at a 7..but its somewhat tolerable..its a little frustrating that he cant get back down to a 5 where he use to be..he's still lupy, tired and nauseated though..i dont know how long this is going to take for him...
other then those things he seems to be doing okay..just staying pretty quiet..
Kristen Thompson came over and REALLY helped me with the house here..we moved the office back into its place, the dining room and the piano room got cleaned up and cleared out a bit so its not such chaos in there..we put the extra wood into the small garage and out of the house..and we cleared out the big garage from all the wood extra pieces and wood that all cleaned out so i could pull my truck back into it..THANKS SO MUCH kristen!!! i feel so much better now that thats out of the way and my house is more like my house!!!
Right now my dad is upstairs tearing out our shower..he's been here since 1030 when he started on it..he's hoping to get done in time for me and him to hit the tile place to pick out which tile were going to need to use for the bathroom upstairs..seems like that will get done pretty fast...
thanks for everyone for all of your help and prayers! even though jons pain level is at a 7...atleast its not taking him over the edge which is what he was so scared about - so the prayers are definatley working!!! i certainly feel much better today..i think last nite was my best nights sleep yet amazingly enough!
Kristi i believe is on here way here from Utah for the excited to have someone here in the house with me..and the girls will have fun playing with their cousins..

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

little emotional...

i guess its best for me to just get it out here on my very emotional not sure what it is..everything starting to settle in or what...i walked upstairs and felt sad that Jon wasnt here...that again im going to sleep without him here...its so completely different without him here with us..i walked into our walk in closet and just sat on the floor staring at all his clothes hanging up..and how he was never really good about hanging them up! he would lay things on the dresser and say "they were on hold" meaning he WAS going to use them again eventually!! then i looked at each of his shirts and they'd remind me of something about him..the blue ones he always seem to wear to work, the dark burgandy one he'd wear to wedding receptions, the white ones he'd ONLY wear to church..he's a big believer that men should always wear white shirts to church..all of his khaki pants..and the ONE pair of really cool dark jeans that i bought to try to make him hip -- i got tired of seeing him wear khaki's all the time!!
sometimes i just want jon back..the old one..sometimes i just want our old life back..they way it use to be..sometimes i just want to wake up and have him come up the stairs singing "oh what a beautiful morning"...i really miss him...a lot..i miss everything about him..his smile..all his laugh lines...his zest for life..which i know he still has all these things...but i just feel like the pain makes him not smile anymore..i just miss my husband..
i know many things will change once he gets back home..he'll be back here in our home..something we've worked so hard to create together..a warm and welcoming environment for our children, family and friends..its just not the same without him here in it..that's all..
i ended up just crying and praying at the same time..pleading for help..i do feel much better...just a little bummed i suppose..but certainly better then before!
sorry this was such a sad posting..but its good for me to get things out so i can sleep better anyway!! tomorrow is another day..another day of more positive things..i so hope jon can get use to this ready for him to smile again!

Help with fundraiser...

I believe Celesta needs more tables for the fundraiser..if anyone has any available PLEASE contact her..she may also need people to help set up-there has been SUCH an outpouring of donated may take quite a while to get it all set up and ready to go..please contact her to see if there is any way you can help..

for those of you not aware of the fundraiser..its THIS saturday april 29th 4-7pm at Orange Terrace Parkway here in Riverside.


Ive been SO CRAZY busy i forgot to get a quick update in...Jon is still VERY lupy, tired and nauseated being on that baclofen..he did great this am getting himself dressed (putting shirt on), brushing teeth, washing that was cool..for one of the PT sessions that i was there for they did another evaluation for his wheelchair which is going to be around AMAZED that its the price of a car!!
He had his conference today with the team..they did not extend his may 10th release date..its still the same..he is improving in all areas though..they say the main thing is managing the pain..its really hard to target it and get it settled..
IF he's okay on friday- the 2 PT guys will take him down to carls jr to see how he does out in the we'll see how he's feeling..if its ANYTHING like today..he wont be going at all..i feel so bad for him...he just talks to you with his eyes closed..he's THAT tired and luppy! it's bad enough that he's stuck in a wheelchair- so to be feeling that yucky just adds to it all...
he also still seems to have a UTI (urinary tract infection)..we feel like its all the nurses it seems! each one does the cathing so drastically different from the next! its not wonder!!! thankfully one person showed me it the RIGHT way from the beginning so i know how to do drives jon CRAZY that the nurses even after being there 35 years cant seem to get it right!!! can you tell that me and jon are a little bugged about things!!??
i THINK we may have things settled out here at home so when he gets here it will be okay..he'll stay down in the office area in the hospital bed..and then use a special chair to get around in at the downstairs bathroom until the upstairs bathroom gets completed...once that is done and the lift..we can get him upstairs..
i also need to figure out caretakers for jon..i need to write down his schedule and find someone that's going to be able to do those things for him during those times..the insurance pays for it..but you always need to double check so you aren't surprised!! i think once i narrow down and get the caretaker thing figured out i wont be so nervous about having him home..once he's home its going to be SUCH a HUGE change for all of us..i just PRAY i have the patience for my kids and for jon...

sometimes i just start crying when i start thinking of everything i have to do now to get things ready, how much everything is going to cost, everything i will need to do once jon gets here, my children's lives, our business, 2 marriages in for the Hales family in June to prepare for...everything..its overwhelming...but ive realized that if im organized and take it one step at a time and just "do what i have to do"..its easier to go through..and the BIGGEST help is learning to just rely on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ..that it will all work out..and keep the faith..
im so thankful i have ALLLLL of you to help lighten my load..thank you for all that you've done, do and will continue to do in the truly does make a difference and were so very grateful!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Still at a 7...

Sadly jon is still at about a 7...he said after therapy he was wheeling out and the Tuckers were there with a fresh green bean burrito from del taco - HIS FAVORITE! thanks guys! i had brought one to him..but he was SO tired to even look at it and the thought of actually eating it was too i just ended up having to throw it away..i was happy to hear he got one though!!!
He said after therapy they just put him back into his bed...he's still just so tired and groggy ..i cant hardly tell what he is saying when im talking to him on the phone..he's getting ready for i'll have to call him later..or maybe wait till tomorrow and see if he's more awake..i'd hate to call and end up waking him up..i'll probably just call the nurses first to see if he's asleep or awake in a couple of hours...
please just keep praying for him...maryann..if you read this please email me a report so i can put it on the blog..i imagine its nice to get a different perspective from someone else other then myself..
colleen williams will be there that will be good..then sandra on thursday and friday if robert still has his cough..
just keep the prayers going for his pain..the upper trunk control which IS working!!! and for his bowels which again IS working too!! so thank you so much for those prayers!!! thanks for the dinners that keep coming in - everyone asks if weve had too much of something - surprisingly no!! they've been SOOO good!! thanks to carisa snow and kristen thompson for being in my home for a few hours everyday so i can go visit jon or get stuff done...the little that everyone does helps me out SO much - im so thankful!!!

House Pictures...

I wanted to share what was happening with the house..Jake Thompson and Sheldon McGee put in the wood floors and opened the wall between the family room and office for french doors for jon, along with help from the young men in our ward and Pres. Albrechtson and a few other men from the ward as well..

I also wanted to show before pictures of our dining room and piano house is in this kind of reconstruction until thursday when the carpet gets put in..right now its just the fabulous cement! have to say its very kid friendly though!!!


My great friend Amie (Meisenbach) Alvey made me some marble jars for my kids..its a reward/discipline system and a VERY CUTE notebook with my initials on the back of it for me!! I keep telling her i have SO many lists and i need to be more organized so i get more done -- AMIE you're the best thanks so much!!!!

pain, drowsiness and nausea...

Today is a little rough for jon..his pain level despite his pain meds and all that he is taking is at a constant 7 use to go down to 5..but now it doesnt..SO FRUSTRATING!! the baclofen keeps him sleepy and nauseated..the nurses seem to think the baclofen takes a couple days to make him not so sleepy and jon's sticking with it..
you would NEVER know that jon was dealing with all this if you saw him in his PT sessions!! that man NEVER gives up or gives out!! he does everything so hard core..does things more then he needs to..they ask for 15 reps..he gives them 25 reps..he does NOT want the pain issue or anything else getting in the way of things..
sis. larkin commented on how in just ONE week she's AMAZED at what he can do now compared to last week..she said she just sits in awe of him..
as he was sitting in his chair with me..he said "i feel like my shins are scrunched up".. so we strechted his legs out forward and bent the foot back so it stretched it ou..he could totally tell a difference! i thought that was interesting that he could tell something was wrong!!!
he truly feels that he's going to be getting everything back..and that suffering thru all this burning pain is just part of the body healing..which is why he puts up with it..even though he's at a really is like a 12 for everyone else knowing jon..he feels like his body is trying to communicate but that there is a interruption there so it signals off as pain instead..
please continue your prayers that his body is in fact healing..and that the doctors and nurses and team will figure out a way to best manage his pain..without the pain managed his body has a hard time healing..although jon feels his body IS healing and this is WHY its hurting! so i guess just pray that its for a purpose..a good reason..
his spirit is still strong today..despite such i was with him for 2 hours..he mainly slept while sitting in his chair..he hardly talked at all..but of course i didnt not there to chit chat with him during these there to just be with him..

Monday, April 24, 2006

Special Request for Prayers from Jon..

Jon has asked that we all pray specifically for him tonight and tomorrow..he says that today he was in a lot of pain...right now he's at an 8.5 as he heads off to sleep...hoping the Norco kicks in..he's REALLLLY worried about tomorrow...he's afraid its going to be too much to bare..this pain that he's in...PLEASE pray that the pain will NOT overtake him...he's very nervous about this..the pain continues to rise each time it gets will be better for 2 days then it rises to a higher level..then the doctor raises his dosage amount..he's currently on baclofen, nuerotin, and norco for his pain...
it's really so hard to listen to your husband who is suffering...pray for himself..tears are gushing down my face right now...this is really hard...i feel like we can totally handle the physical part of this..the wheelchair..the lifestyle change..etc..but the pain..its too much..i feel so totally helpless...i wish i could have it for 5 minutes to relieve him from it..i cant imagine what its like to have the inside of your body on fire like he does.. the wife of such a special, kind hearted, gentle, tender, generous, gracious and honorable man..please help...
he says he was so very tired during all his PT sessions..the doctor said it would take a couple more days for his body to adjust and not be tired..thats not very encouraging when your trying to work hard to get better! But that is what is infront of us to deal that is what we'll do AND use Heavenly Father to help us..thats all i or anyone else can do..but what amazing power that can do when used in full force and with even fuller faith..the faith of thousands around this nation to help will never ever know the humbliness and gratitude that is in my heart right know there are so many people here on the Earth that are praying and all those on the other feel like EACH and EVERY one of you is standing in line with open arms...
i have to cry for a few minutes..then gather my thoughts..i dont cry because i do not know why this is happening to jon or us..but i cry because of the suffering jon has to endure..yet that suffering is not without purpose..there is purpose in everything..even suffering..
this explains what i believe with all my heart is taking place:
At times, in God's remodeling of our lives, it is required that we go to the outer limits of our faith, when all we can do is hang on, trusting that He knows what is best for us, even when we feel bruised and battered by life. We may be surprised, even confused at what is happening, but He is not. God, the Omniscient One, who comprehends all things past, present, and future, knows full well how we will cope with adversity and tribulation. Though He knows us perfectly, and loves us completely, His foreknowledge does not impinge on our agency because, as we approach our trials, we are free to choose one course of action or another. Our decisions are made in the light of our knowledge, not His. We do not know what He knows. God takes our decisions into account so that His tutoring proceeds as it should, and His purposes—to help us grow spiritually and become more like Him—are not frustrated. Thus "we know that all things work together for good to them that love God."
i also believe this to be SO VERY TRUE!! this has happened again and again in my life..
'You must learn to walk to the edge of the light, and then a few steps into the darkness; then the light will appear and show the way before you'"
these were taking off the LDS living website..they seemed to both touch me at this time in which i am suffering..i can only hold onto my faith, my testimony of the knowledge of the truths that i know..not truths that i believe in..but truths that i know..
i will contiue to hold to my faith..and PLEAD with the Lord and WEARY him with my prayers..this is all part of the learn to rely on the Lord and come to Him in times of need..please plead and weary the Lord with me for jons sake..

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Photos of Hard Work...

Here are a few photos of Jons session today..

A Quiet Sunday...

Today i got in to see Jon about 12noon..he was working on getting into his wheelchair for the day to go to his one and only PT session for the day...he said he'd been having difficulty waking up all day! it took quite a while to get him in..he was wheeled down to the Gym where he had to pick up blocks using his wrist motion and put them into a can see with the pics..he has better control in his left hand then he does his one picture where he is smiling thats because he looked up at the PT guy knowing that he had "cheated"! Jon had used his other hand to help his other hand pick up the was a pretty funny moment!!
Jon was then wheeled back to his room..i gave him a pressure release..he ate some lunch and then decided to get back in bed..he was SO tired today..he's not sure if its because of the baclofin they are giving him..or if his body was just exhausted from the week's worth of work..once he got back in he slept solid for 3 hours..he woke up in an extreme amount of pain..they realized that he hadn't had his next dose of pain medication..i get so frustrated that the nurses cant even keep track of that!!!! if jon wasnt on top of his OWN medication- he'd never get any!! we feel bad for those that arent able to keep track! once he got that hour later he felt much better..but his pain was encrouching on an 8.5...but it did get back down to never gets lower then 5 though..
I was able to feed him his dinner..which again was pretty gross..he was really craving del taco..but it was he ate his hospital food...then Todd and Kristen Thompson came in..we had a fun visit with them...they left and about an hour later sandra came with all the girls..they girls were so excited to see dad!! anna i always notice likes to be right next to him..she's so cute! rachel was THRILLED to see her class poster was hanging on the wall..that made her happy..she asked if dad read the letters her classmates wrote to him..he said EVERY SINGLE ONE!! he liked hers the best though he said...he also liked one that a boy wrote which said "dear mr. hales, i want you to know that i do all my own stunts too" was HILARIOUS!!
then we all said good nite to daddy and went on home and got everyone to bed..tomorrow my mother is going to be with him for the day..hopefully he gets good rest and is prepared for mondays back to the grind work..
i wanted to mention how SURPRISED i was when i was having him close his eyes and guess where i was touching him on his right leg..he said every spot! then i took a plastic fork and poked sort of softly and he said EVERY spot!!!!!!!!! now THAT is AMAZING!!!!!!! he doesnt have quite as much feeling in his left leg..but i squeezed some areas and he guessed each one!! again THAT is amazing!!!! before he couldnt feel ANYTHING in EITHER leg..then he started to slowly feel in his right leg if you REALLY squeezed the fact that he could feel this much more- its truly amazing!!!! he said he can also feel his abdomen now..and his bowels are functioning EVERY day - so THANK YOU SO MUCH for those specific prayers! it really did work!!!
continue to pray for upper body trunk control, tricep strength, and healing of his body...also i ask to pray for me...that i will be able to organize the countless things i need to get done..i function SO much better when things are more organized..pray that i will get my house physically back in order...i have furniture in all the wrong rooms and i need to put my little temple back together..and that i will be able to be organized to continue to get things done to prepare for jons arrival back into his own home...pray for my girls..especially rachel..that she wont get her feelings hurt at school due to jons situation..i pray that the kids at school will be nice to her..and supportive of her at this time in her life..pray that they will be positive towards her..and that their hearts will soften and they will put their little arms around her and embrace her...she's struggling a little..and needs to find her spot in this doing my best to make life normal like it was before by having school, prayer, scripture reading, family home evening, dinner at 6 every night at the table..all those things..
thank you also to EVERYONE that is involved with this silent auction & bbq fundraiser! it's turning into something wonderful!! and wonderful for everyone involved! it will be so neat to be around so many positive and caring people...thank you for ALL of your efforts!! we are truly being blessed!!!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Change is Good...

Today was a pleasant day with jon..i was FINALLY able to give him his haircut!! he looks much better now - atleast i think so!! Then he wheeled himself off to therapy. Today's session was again more for me then him..but thats okay-- i need the training for transfering him from wheelchair to the bed and back again..i think i have it down though..
also they had him sit up and with his arms locked in a back position he had to hold himself up..which for a long time he couldnt do..then he had to find his "sweet spot" and balance himself sitting with no arms..this was to promote more upper body trunk control - which is why i continue to ask for prayers in this he did so..the PT guy was talking and kept saying .."i dont expect you to do much because i just taught this to you" well wouldnt you know it- jon FINDS his "sweet spot" and touches the PT's shoulder!!!!!!! the PT guy was so impressed!! he did so a couple more times..with time he'll get better and better at it!!
this is when the PT guy taught me a few tips on the transfers..then he asked me to do it and he was surprised at how well me and jon worked together..he said he wanted to give me a few extra tips..not that he was changing what i was doing ..and i said "i understand, you just want to add to what im doing" ..he said yes- exactly! Still though he said..for the first time ...he was really surprised at how well we work that was neat!
Then he wheeled himself back into his room..thoroughly exhausted! Then Brad and Melinda Smith came - they are SO neat! we had a great visit - i called and asked melinda to pick up a pack of gum..then they show up with 15 different packs! it was great!! Jon was very emotional at this time... he tried to convey to brad and melinda how grateful he was of everyones out pouring of love and concern and service towards him and his family..he truly can feel all their love and prayers and support..he also told them that he will one day walk again..but it was on the Lords time table..but he has faith..he will walk again..he also spoke how blessed he felt to have this trial to experience all the love that is being shown unto him..even though its a trial..and it doesnt seem so big to honored he was to be a recipient of such was very moving..
After they left he got back into bed and took an hour or so nap..then my parents came in followed by the hendricksons..sadly jon was in a decent amount of pain ..he was at a 7.5 out of 10..he was shivering and shaking..he gets muscle his biceps just continously contract..and his arms bend and his hands come up to his neck..he said its like they are in a rubber band..he cant control when it comes up..and then he has to consciously bring them back down again..having visitors there helped a bit to keep his mind off the pain..i was really frustrated that the pain med's weren't working even after 2 hours of having them!!! the doctor then came in and i explained that i was seems that they up his dose..then it works for a couple of days..then it wears its not strong enough..but they have been starting him on baclofin (sp?) and he's on at 5miligrams of it..and now they'll go to 10 miligrams of it..the doc reminded us that the normal dose is 20 ..but were talking it slow because jon prefers not to be so drugged up and drugged out..i hope we find SOMETHING that manages his pain...its no fun watching someone suffer so bad..then be good for 2 days only to suffer AGAIN the next day..its very wearing...
by 7pm he was feeling much better..i fed him his dinner which was pretty sorry as usual..then the campbells and the malones came in...i'd been having a pretty emotional day..EVERYTHING was making me cry type of those i was sitting doing a pressure release for sitting behind him and im thinking..i want my old life back..its hard not to think those things..not to just want jon to all of a sudden get up and walk out..its overwhelming how upside down our life is right now..and will be for a long while...then i this is SO what satan wants me to think about and dwell on..but i wont let him..he's not going to win this battle that rages inside me..i know what it takes to be better then that..prayer, my relationship with jon, family and is only natural for me to be sad..but its what i do with that sadness that builds my character i choice is to be strong..and thankfully i know how and what it takes to be strong..but i do know its okay to be sad..but how long im sad for is important..
so when the campbells and the malones came...i couldnt help but cry when i see these two grown men come up and kiss jon on his forehead..that is just such a touching see grown men be so tender and loving to my was all i could do to hold it together..
they all had a good visit and then they stepped outside so i could have companion prayer with was my turn to say it (even though it was an even day!) and i started my prayer..and i lost it again..jon reached up for my hand..and i just cried as he held my hand..knowing that he couldnt even feel mine..but we held hands and i continued to pray...then i ended..we kissed..said we loved each other and that we'd see eachother tomorrow...
as i was driving home..i noticed a big billboard that said in big letters "Change is Good"..i thought..thats so true..change really is good..what would we learn if everything stayed the same..nothing..but when life much more we much more we much more we much more we dont take for much more we think of other people..its endless really..even though we have this change in our life..we are so touched to hear the change in everyone else's lives...really...we are touched..and we are honored to help to facilitate that change..but we aren't changing people's lives...the Spirit is..our change has just softened the hearts of others to allow the Spirit to enter..the Spirit is a very real is motivates you to do good..thats what the Spirit is..its what helps you to desire to do good..and anything that desires you to do wonderful..because it brings you that much closer to Heavenly Father andmore like Jesus Christ..and thats what our purpose here on Earth is become more like really is that simple...isnt it wonderful?!

will jon finally get a haircut????

Poor jon- his hair grows SO fast...everyday this week i told him i'd come give him a haircut only i kept forgetting the stuff to do it with..but this saturday morning i WILL remember and pick that up...his hair is a little out of control right now - im hoping to tame it a bit so he doesnt scare little children!!
As i got to the hospital, i opened the door and looked down the hall infront of me to see jons dad walking beside jon as he wheeled himself back his was all i could do to hold back see two grown men like really was a picture perfect moment..and image i'll remember for the rest of my keep myself from totally losing it, i whistled at them..robert turned around then jon turned around and gave the biggest was great!
Yesterday he stayed up in the chair from 930am-530pm..he did great! im so proud of his progress!!
I will go today and spend the day with him and give him his haircut. I imagine we'll have a few visitors stop by which will be fun.
Continue to pray for his triceps and for his upper body trunk control.
As far as the house, jake is finishing up the floors with sheldon today. Then my father and warren owens will come out on monday to evaluate the upstairs bathroom and get started on that project. Im grateful we have another week before jon comes home - from may 3rd-to may 10th now.. we needed the extra time to get the house ready for his arrival.
Thank you EVERYONE for everything, everything big and small...your prayers which are thee most important are working...we feel all the prayers..please never feel like "all you can do is pray" because that is what is most important and needed! Thank you to everyone who is helping with the fundraiser, especially celesta who has a second job now it seems! Amy, Tracy -thanks guys for helping to put it together as well!! Thank you to everyone that has donated- i hope everyone is able to come and experience such a postive thing - something that is desperately needed in this day and age with so much negativity around us- i hope you are able to come and be uplifted by so many people willing and wanting to do so much good - its contagious!-just like jons smile is contagious!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Family Photos...

These are photos of our family on my 31st birthday at Corona Del Mar and of the girls Xmas Morning:

shots of jon!

I got a couple shots of jon..although they are blurry..ill take better ones tomorrow!!
today he was doing GREAT! he said he really felt great and that things were improving all around...while i was there they were working on him leaning onto a table infront of him and then having to push himself up to sit up again..they are working on gaining upper body trunk control..he's VERY nervous about this..please pray that he will feel confident as time that will improve..he's just WAY too nervous to have that chest belt off!!! but he did a GREAT job!!! he worked SOOOOOOO hard to get himself back up again- its only a matter of time and more physical strenght and more confidence..he'll get it...he actually WORE the PT girl out!! he has a lot of strength in some areas..
the fundraiser flyers got handed out at school today..the principal actually called me first because they were worried about rachel..she seemed not to sure about the whole thing..i quickly drove down there thanks to michelle farrer!! thanks michelle!!
they let me use their conference room at the school office..i talked to rachel and told her what the flyer was about and that were having like a big birthday party at the park for dad! she liked that!! i explained to her why our friends were putting this together for us..she said she was nervous about all the kids coming up to her and talking to her and asking questions about her dad..she said she will talk to them but she doesnt want to talk forever about it...THAT IS SO ME!!!!!!!!! i feel the EXACT same way!!!! i guess for me atleast i have the "blog" so everyone can just read this instead of me telling thousands of people the same thing..but rachel doesnt really have a anyway i told her to tell the kids that he's doing good and getting better..they dont need to know any more then that..their parents can talk to them about it..she felt better about that..i also explained to her some of the questions they might ask her about dad..this way she had answers prepared instead of it all being flustered for her and then she starts crying and is a mess..
so all in all it worked out well..she asked that i talk to her teacher about her class writing letters to jon and them making a poster for him to hang up in his thats what the teacher will do..
hope you like the pics!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

he's the wheelchair man!

Today for his last PT session..Big Bill took him outside to the dreaded cement steep! he had to, all by himself, push himself up this sidewalk that increasingly gets higher as you..and Bill did not help in ANYWAY..even when jon was rolling backwards because it was getting a bit steep for him..but jon made it!! jon really feels like he's getting stronger about things..he's so happy about that..that he's improving he feels..
he said renetta (larkin) carlson was there and was SO KIND to him..he was so grateful for her help while she was there..thanks renetta! he told me rebecca larkin came..i said its renetta and i HOPE you didnt call her rebecca!!! SOOO sorry if he did renetta- he's REALLLLY bad at names!! im constantly reminding him my im just teasing..but he really is bad at names!
he said also he ate all his dinner..and that it isnt so bad to eat..that he does not have nausea like he did before..and he's not totally force feeding himself like he was before..
i caught him up on what i was doing regarding the business..jon never likes to be out of the loop on things..he felt so relieved when i told him all that was happening with it..hopefully things will come together regarding the business and jon can provide for the family like he intended to do when he started the business..i was thinking a couple of hours ago..jons biggest talent is his art..and i got sad..because i thought..he cant draw right now..thats what fed our family was his talent in drawing..but then i realized..thats what STARTED his career..he's so talented..his people skills, worth ethic, leadership skills, attention to detail, all of those things he is so good at..our hope is the business will help us to be self sufficient!
i FINALLY charged the batteries on our nice digital camera, so i will take that in with me and get some shots of him..he said to be sure they were "action-cool shots" not lame sitting around in a bed shot!! that is SO jon!! i reminded him to just make sure his hair looks nice!!
we then ended our conversation with prayer over the phone..the sleeping pills were starting to take so grateful we end our day with prayer..thats so important ESPECIALLY now to keep that helps each on of us know what is on the other persons mind..we've always taken turns..he has all the even days..i have all the odd days..that was before i realized most months end in 31 and then start again with 1!!! he laughs everytime its the 31st!!
continue to pray for him..he REALLY is getting stronger! continue especially for his upper body trunk control..his bowels for the past 4 nights have WORKED!! this for sure is a longggg process...but with specific can see each one working!!
tomorrow my mother will be with him..and i will visit with him in the so grateful i have people that are able to sit with him..he really does enjoy their company..and feeling like he can sleep even if they are sitting there..
the team suggested an option for jon would be to go to one of these "TLC"..transitional living centers...if anyone has any information on that please email me..i did a little bit of online research..that would be helpful!

Jon gets an may 10th return date!

I just got back from my visit with Jon. He's doing great!! I am so proud of him!!
This morning he had brushed his teeth (with some sort of contraption thing) and even washed his face down with a wet towel. He felt great!
He ate his entire dinner, most of breakfast and all of lunch. Thats a good thing too.
He is doing so much better now. You can really tell!

They have actually extended his stay in Rehab for ANOTHER week. May 3rd date is now may 10th date. So this is good news! We were both happy to hear that. They have started him on another medication to fight the muscle spasms he's been getting. Of course he is not happy about having to take MORE pills, but he's getting over that.

The head coordinator did tell us that they have never had a patient like Jon before. They have never seen someone with his vigor and enthusiasum to work so hard. For him to do all the he can to make things happen and improve himself. The coordinator said it just lights a fire under all the team that is working with him to get him better. He said most people when they come are passive. They dont work as hard as Jon does.
It was neat for him to give a compliment like that to Jon!

Renetta (Larkin) Carlson is there now with Jon and will be till after he eats.

Im SO very grateful that he is getting better and getting back to being Jon. Last week was SO was REALLY hard to see the end. All I could manage to do was keep my faith and remember the prayers that were given in his behalf and how i had felt after i first got word of his accident- i fell to the floor and prayed. I was told that all would be well. He would be okay. Sometimes Heavenly Father waits till the BITTER end before something happens. But if we continue to "endure" to the do see blessings of enduring and enduring faithfully. I didnt endure faithfully to the end all by myself, i have countless numbers of people praying on my behalf as well..that is what helped me to endure to the can i ever repay all of you for that..
i have come to realize that THAT is what i do not have an answer for...for the first time..i dont have a solution to a problem...i have NO IDEA how im going to repay everyone for what they have done for our family..i do not even know where to begin..all i can do is sit here and let the tears stream down my quiet humbleness...with a heart so full of love for everyone that has helped...all i can do right now is say thank you..and try to live my life to make all of you proud of our family and how far we can go with your blessed we are!

email from maryann larkin..

hope she doesnt mind..but i thought i'd put this email up for others to get a perspective on jon from someone other then me..
Dear Christina:
I just wanted to let you know what an enjoyable day I had with Jon
yesterday. What a good experience it was for me. Jon works so hard for
every move he makes. His courage and inner strength are a good example
for us all. He had a hard time with his therapies, yesterday. He was
cold and shaky all day. But he ate a really good dinner. He even said
that was the best he had eaten since he got there. He ate his entire
dinner (except a half a roll). We talked when he had strength. I read
three chapters out of the Book of Mormon to him while he rested. We
enjoyed that. I specifically would ask him if he wanted to talk or
rest. I tried to let him take the lead, although there were times I
probably a little too chatty. He did share some of his thoughts and
feelings with me. He complimented you by telling me how blessed he was
to have married you. He loves you and your children very much. When
walked in the room yesterday, he recognized your footsteps. His eyes
up when he talked about his business and told me a lot about it. I was
amazed at how his day is full of his now "work". I told him this was
his job right now. To work on getting stronger and building his skills.
I will tell others to keep praying for him and to concentrate on asking
the Lord for his muscles to strengthen and to get his triceps stronger
and to help all his inner regulators (heat, blood pressure, appetite,
etc) to stabilize. I am a firm believer in specific prayers. He is very
aware of all the prayers and very grateful for them.

PT was kind of rough!

Jon had a decent nights sleep monday night. Maryann Larkin spent the day with him. I went in for my usual 11-2 time period. He said PT had already pushed and burnt him out! poor guy!! We noticed his hands were sort of purple and blotchy..he really felt like he was sitting on an artery or something because his hands felt numb..we did a lotof presure releases to see if it would didnt really..
he said his shoulder were really burning because of all the working out he was doing..
all in all it was a good day - just a tad too rough..but still good..when i left him he was in a group therapy thing..he said its a bit like AA for disabled people...its for others to talk their issues out with other people in their same situation..jon says he's SOOO grateful he has his family and friends and church to buoy him up..but more importantly he's grateful he has an eternal perspective on differently would our lives be if we were just living day to day..vs striving for what we want in the end..
i called last night around 10pm before he headed off to sleep..he has a neat phone they gave him that is voice it just rings and jon just yells out into the air "HELLO!" and it picks up- its really neat! he said he was doing good, but that his mouth is SUPER dry all the time now because of one of the medications..he said he also seems to be eating better now too..he REALLY dreads taking, man i dont even know i've lost count on the number of pills he takes..but let me give it a the morning its a nasty fibergy rich drink, and then 8-10 pills..yes thats JUST in the morning and then at night its the same again...and both of those include a shot in his tummy for blood thinner..if anyone knows jon they KNOW he NEVER EVER EVER EVER takes pills for ANYTHING!!! not a headache, a cold, NOTHING! so for him to be taking THIS many -- its just not his thing...
today i'll be going in for a bit with him..they have their usual conference with his team in the morning, then we find out tomorrow how he's sure they'll keep his release date the same..may hoping they let him out for a bit on saturday so he can attend a bit of the fundraiser on the 29th of this month..i think it would be SO NEAT for him to see everyone in action on his behalf- he really has no idea about all the "behind the scenes" things..nor do i!! so we'll see if they'll let him escape for a bit..
please continue your prayers for him - they really are working! he is now able to put on his OWN shirt!!! can you believe that!!!??! its amazing!! yesterday he also brushed his own teeth and washed his own face too!!! im amazed!! i know you all would be too if you could see him in action..please continue to pray for his upper trunk strength and for his triceps..also that he'll be able to do his own transfers..
well again so many thank you's to so many people..especially for the prayers on our behalf..we truly can feel the love from around this nation from blessed we are to be the receipents of such tender love and care..thank you.

Monday, April 17, 2006

a good day for jon...

today jon had a good day..his pain level stayed at around 5-6..the doctor is going to up his nueroten medication..he did great in therapy - his mom got to watch the dragon PT girl work jon like crazy..he said it was rough!
i just talked to him and he's on his way to sleep for the night..hopefully another good night's rest..
continue to pray for his strength to come back..especially his triceps..that will REALLY help to transfer himself to and from beds and wheelchairs..also that he gains more upper trunk control..right now he has to have a strap around his chest to keep him from falling over..he says its the wierdest thing..its really just like his head on top of a water balloon - its really more scary then anything!!
sister larkin from the orange 2nd ward will be with jon tomorrow..i have kristen thompson coming over during the day for a couple of hours while i go visit jon for a bit..they girls i can tell LOVE having mom home now to help with homework and to be here with them..i can especially tell a difference in rachel...its hard to try to be in both places at once..having jon home in our house will make this SO much easier im hoping!!!

dispelling the rumor...

im not sure where the rumor started but people keep coming in talking to jon about how it is so sad that this was his first time on a dirtbike/bike...
jons been riding bikes for over 10 years..he has 2 of them in our garage

just wanted to get that cleared up

Easter Sunday..

Jon slept okay saturday night..he was in some pain around an 8 today..he thinks its due to his bowels and the functioning they are trying to do..
sheldon and celesta made me and jon an easter basket and then brought over and easter picnic for us..they bay's stopped by and russell brought the was neat..
brian and his wife jessica stopped by as well..all in all jon had a good day despite the pain and the LACK of nursing on the weekend! they were understaffed and we could tell - it was very frustrating..he ended up getting his pain medication 1.5 hours late..but what could we do..
around 830pm robert and sandra brought the they got to visit with jon..i then took them home and everyone was in bed by 9pm..
i talked to him this am and he said he actually slept well last night and his bowels had functioned properly last night as well he's a happy camper! he's ready to get back to business again..

Sunday, April 16, 2006

best nights sleep!!!

I got to Jon yesterday, Saturday, about 12noon. He had informed me it was the best nights rest he's gotten since he's been in the hospital. He woke up each hour but not due to any pain and quickly went right back to sleep. He said when we finally woke up at 6am he felt GREAT! he was so happy!!!
I spent the day with him..we went to a PT session which was WAY harder for me then it ws jon! thats because they were training me on transfers..meaning transferring him from the chair to the bed..then i had to do the bed back to the chair- it'll take practice but i'll get it!!
then we spent the rest of the time in his room..he managed to stay in his wheelchair till 5pm thats when another person came in to have him put together an easter basket for the girls. i had to take the plastic eggs and scoop up jelly beans and then he had to take them off the table and put them into the basket..he had to use both his hands to make that took a lot of work! he started tearing up that it was taking THIS much effort to do that...he then had to pick candy out of a plastic bag to put into the basket..he said he felt like one of those machines that your kids spend 50 cents on for the "crane" to pick up a was quite funny because that IS really what it looked like!! one time he picked something up but then he couldnt drop it was stuck..he said "see i am that machine -quick somebody hit me so it will fall out!!" it was hilarious!!
i then was able to write more for his article that he is trying to put together for his more of that done with him..
then i helped to prepare him for the night..i left around 10pm..totally exhausted!
im grateful i got to spend time with him, sunday, i will head back up..i imagine he'll get a lot of visitors and family to see him..that will be neat..
thank you everyone always for your prayers..we are asking that you please pray that he will gain tricep and upper trunk control..that he wlll gain strength so that he will be able to do his transfers and be more independant..this his bowels will function properly..and that he'll be able to keep his pain stabalized so that he can function..
we were talking yesterday about how for me, that if i have an end date..i can work thru when jon was working clear in LA and i was by myself with 4 little girls for the week and he was only home on the weekends..we knew that he was only going to be doing it for a i was good that whole year because i knew where the end was! but with this trial..i have NO IDEA where the end goal will be..this is a MAJOR change for me..i PRAY that i will be patient..the not knowing is the worst part..i just have to continually think of all the positives and have enough courage to rely on other people. we also talked about me having a break once in a while..he told me he loved my long hair and that i should go get a haircut/trim for myself..i told him there's not way i'd spend money on my HAIR of all things right now!!! i told him that friday night i had gone to dinner with some of the friends that were working on the house that night and i had called the hospital to let him know ..and he said that nurse came right in with the message..he was so relieved that i was finally taking some sort of break from all this..i told him i was TERRIBLY guilty the ENTIRE time!!! he reminded me that its okay to take a break, get a haircut, go to dinner, anything..and that i should in no way feel guilty..i told him okay but i'll still probably feel pretty guilty!!! he reminded me the saying "if mommma aint happy, aint NOBODY happy!" i guess thats pretty true..if im happy then the rest of the famly is happy..he said to always remember that and that i deserve to take a break from this whole situation...even if its incredibly hard to do so..
i swung past the house last night to see the flooring..they got so much done! and I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! i really really do --i cant WAIT for jon to see it!!! thank you all of you SO much!!! jake- your awesome!!! i was told so many youth boys came and that pres. albrechtsen was actually there the entire time! thank you guys for taking your saturday to spend working on our can we ever say enough thanks..we will forever be grateful for your service!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

update on jon...

jon had a good day robert said...his pain level got only to a 6 for the highest..which is MUCH better then an 8 or an 9!! he did a lot in the wheel chair and worked hard in his therapy...
paul and kelly dobbert were with him from 630pm-830pm..they said he pretty much slept the whole time...deep sleep..which was good..they said he felt bad that he wasnt visiting with them..but they assured him just being in his presence was all they he went back to sleep..
at 830pm..they were getting him ready for bed..i decided to stay home and actually went to dinner with some of the crew that had been at our house..i called to tell him i was with them..and since he was going to bed and so tired..i'd stay here and then head out tomorrow morning..which im now on my way to do..
my older 2 girls are with todd and celene hales in rancho santa margarita enjoying easter weekend with them while my younger 2 girls are with grandpa and grandma hales and scott and kellie hales enjoying easter weekend too..the wilson family from HB..kellie hales parents have a BIG easter egg hunt in Irvine park that they always invite our family thats where the hales will be today..thanks wilson family!!
it will be a wierd easter that its just me and jon in the hospital easter hardly feels like easter! but thats probably a good will help us to remember and think about what easter really is all about...
jons parents are speaking in their ward at 1pm..good luck to you guys! i REALLY wish i could be there!! i hope someone might be able to bring a tape recorder so jon could hear!! if anyone in the orange 2nd ward has a recorder PLEASE record it for jon and i to hear later!!! we'd so appreciate it!!


I put the word out on the blog of help needed in tearing out the carpet and pad in our downstairs floor...i could believe by 7pm HOW many people showed up to help! TONS of young men - THANKS GUYS! YOUR AWESOME!! jason and maxine prestwich - came for their date nite!!! you guys worked the hardest!!! thanks!! todd and kristen thompson for their date night too - you guys rock!! by 730 the ENTIRE first floor was ripped out and taken outside!! i couldnt believe it! i was stunned!!! thank you to everyone so much!! chad thompson used the chissle (sp?) to get the entry way tile ripped out..bridget gonzales worked hard on that as go bridg!!
im SO thankful i live in such a great area in a GREAT ward- i just have to ask and so many people come to help! it was remarkable - and everyone had such a fun time being able to help!!!
now the floors are completely ready for jake and the young men to lay the floors down will be so nice for jon!! he'll be SO thankful!!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

medication working...

it seems like the medication is working...he's down to a 4 now which is fantastic!! thank you EVERYONE for your deep heartfelt prayers!!! it worked!!! i will always be grateful for your prayers!!!!
he's up in his wheelchair getting busy back to work..we hope he's on the road again to recovery...
celesta, amy and matt just came and dropped off all the wood to be layed tomorrow here at the house...were hoping we can get some young men here tonite around 7pm to help rip out carpet..if anyone is available please contact bro. snow, or celesta mcgee..if we get the carpet out tonite we have more time to get the wood floors down tomorrow freeing up everyones easter weekend...
thank you again for all that everyone is doing - we are so thankful!

MRI done...not so good night for me...

Jon left for the MRI at 730pm...he didnt arrive back until 930pm...he did SO much waiting around..then they had put him inside to do the MRI..and had to pull him out because a baby needed to go in..then they did the baby but had to do the baby jon waited 45 minutes before it was even his turn again...
he arrived back and was trembling terribly..he was in a severe amount of was at an 8/10...he took some new medication that is stronger then vicadin..and the new medication to hopefully treat this nueropathic pain..called nueroten (SP?)..he was just shaking everywhere..he didnt even want to move anything..he took those pills at 1030pm his pain level was up to was really severe..his face was all red..he felt so hot to was just too painful to watch..
he said the "burning it just everywhere - its too much!"...he said he feels the burn in his triceps, forearms..he says his stomach is just on fire..his thighs, his shins...he said the fire like every little tiny nerve on fire..then he feels like his sitting in an oven while the burning inside his body is going on..and then he feels like at the same time he's taking a very cold shower..all of that happening at once..
were so frustrated! it seems each night the pain level gets worse..the pain doses get higher and stronger..but the next night its worse again and the pain doses get higher and stronger since they aren't doing anything...
we had companion pray and i specifically asked and im BEGGING ALL OF YOU to pray that if there is something on that MRI - that the doctors will see it..that it will be shown unto them the problem..if the MRI is clear..that they will be able to stabalize this pain he is in and get it under control..he cannot heal his body if he continues to be in such pain like this..
at 11pm..he said his pain was down to a 6...his sleeping pills were slowly kicking in as well..i hope he gets some sleep tonite..robert will be there in the morning for the day..he will also give him a priesthood blessing...we are told to "weary the Lord with our prayers" we are certainly doing so - i ask that all of you do the same..i cant handle watching him go thru this...watching him reminded me of Jesus suffering..he not ONLY suffered for our sins..but he suffered every physical and emotional pain..he suffered JUST AS jon is now..he truly does know how jon feels right now..he's the only one..nobody else...
i got in my car and called jons dad..i updated jons condition for him..then about half way home i just completely lost it..i completely broke was too much pressure...seeing him suffering each night get worse and worse..its too much to bare...i ask myself "what lesson am i to learn by watching jon suffer so much?" this is something i will struggle to find an answer too..but will in time FIND an answer too..i also ask "why is jon who lived such a righteous life and never did anything wrong going thru this?" time i WILL be able to answer that question...
i managed to make it to amy's house and celesta got in my car and talked with me..she reminded me of what an honor it is that Jon is going thru this..that Heavenly Father knew his capabilites..and that we are changing people's lives..only we are the ones suffering right and jon...and thats hard for me to watch jon suffer..but if i keep an eternal perspective..who else suffered so that we can draw closer to Heavenly Father..Jesus did...what an honor for jon to be in such a position to make other people's testimonies stronger..or others to think about Heavenly Father and to rethink things..and to find out for themselves about this thing we call life..
jons cousin kim loveridge is married to john bytheway..he wrote a book about trials..and in his book he talks about how Heavenly Father knows our capabilities but we have trials to prove to OURSELVES our capabilities...that really struck a cord with reminded me of jons comments or thoughts he had the day of his accident..he said "that we all say that we have "character" and that it isnt until we have a trial and put that "character" into motion that we can THEN decide and truly say "we have character"...
i managed to make it home after some time with sorry to carissa snow who was here till well after midnight! im really so sorry carissa!! but thank you!!!
im thankful i went and talked to somebody and then im able to write all this out..i will sleep SO much better now...
this whole thing hadn't been that bad..i broke down when things first started settling in my mind and i had called my mom..way in the beginning..then after that call i broke down in the hospital bathroom..since then..ive been okay..but watching him get worse each night and visibly see him suffering..i had reached the limit..
i find comfort in my patriartichal blessing that states "He rejoices with you in your happiness. He sorrows with you in times of sorrow and sadness." this brings so much comfort to me to know he's aware of even little me..
everyone again im begging you that we find something in the MRI or that we are able to stabalize and find the source of his pain..i just dont understand how he could go from not having ANY pain medication to having so much and his body getting worse pain us to help the doctors find the reasons..i know he will get better..its going to take our united faith to make it will happen!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

headed to the MRI

Its 720pm and Jon is enroute for the MRI..he'll get back about 830pm..ill be there to prepare him for bed..
sheldon said he ate a ton! a bowl of gumbo brought in by his nurse, pear slices, and a del taco green bean burito with a thing of apple juice, then cranberry, then 2 glasses of water- he was hungry! im glad he's eating again!!


today i spent the day with jon and getting a LOT of paper work done...meeting with different people at the hospital to get things started..they said that i am VERY on top of things!!! that was nice to hear!!!
all the PT guys are planning on coming to the golf tournament that will be in May that some of the guys here are putting together- they are super excited about that! i love visiting the hospital because now i feel like were all family!
Jon is doing okay today..his pain level is at a 5/61/2...he got measured out for a wheelchair..
he will be getting his MRI not until 8pm tonite..they will transfer him over by ambulance back and forth..i came home for a couple of hours then will head back to the hospital to prepare him for the night..

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


jon had a better day then the past two days which were horrible..he said he had taken 2 vicadin at 4am..then again not until 3pm and then again not until 10pm..while there the laurels came to visit and sang..mostly half cried half sang- but it was so special! he loved it! thanks ladies!!! his parents were there too..they drove ALL the way there about an hour but more because of traffic and only got to spend about 15 minutes with him..he needed to get ready for bed and the they soon left..
i helped to bathe him and get him ready for the night..we had our companion prayer and then i left..he should be able to sleep good again..
thank you everyone for reading this blog and for taking time out of your busy busy days to think and pray for our family and especially jon...we both can feel your love..and your deep concern..
i cant believe how upside down my life is right now..i decided to make a "list" of things i needed to get done..its nice to have it on paper and scratch things off one thing at a time..and even though my life is upside down..the important things remain the relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, with Jon, with my children, our scripture reading, family prayers, companion prayers...all those things remain the same and intact...for that im SO very grateful! where would i be right now without my relationships...especially with our families and our friends...jon would always say.."it doesnt matter how much money it costs us to go see so and so's baby blessing..when all is said and done..its the relationships we foster that matter and mean something"...that is SO true! take away all of the things we own, do for fun, all that stuff...whats left when we leave is our knowledge that we attained here on Earth and our so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that has principles of the Gospel one of which is relationships and the importance of family...we have a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother...we are their so grateful i was able to be married in the Temple and sealed to Jon for eternity and to have my children with me in eternity..these simple but profound truths make life worth living ...ESPECIALLY during these trying times!

MRI is tomorrow..

well looks like the MRI will happen tomorrow.. ill be there with him then.. i have tanya mills coming from 10-3pm and then hopefully carissa snow from 3-when i can get back..i believe sheldon mcgee will be able to be with jon around 4pm on...
tonite im going to get there about 730pm just before the laurels from our ward are going to visit with him..they are going to sing a couple of hymns to being his favorite and his dad's favorite- "dear to the heart of the shepherd"..i love that song too..
then i believe the bishop is going to stop by for a few minutes..
well louann just dropped off dinner..time to wash hands and get things going!

Were going with the MRI...

After the discussion with the doctor and other therapists..they have concluded to go ahead with the MRI which will hopefully be done today.
Jon says for some strange reason when he's in the wheelchair, its not so bad..but as SOON as he lays back down in bed..its back to serious pain again..thus the reason for the MRI to be done...

doing so much better!!

he's doing so much better! im so happy!!! he said he slept solid from 11pm-3am which was GREAT! he ate a good breakfast and is doing so much better...
right now he's in the wheelchair sitting up and he said he hasn't had any pain medication for the past 6 hours- he's SO relieved about that!! were hoping that he was so miserable because of the bowel situation..
were still waiting to find out when the MRI is going to be done..well i just called colleen..and talked to jons nurse thru her..they are having their conference with the doctor to discuss jon and how he's doing..which is done every wednesday..then they will decided whether or not the MRI is needed..they seem to think that the pain was from the bowel they'll just keep an eye on him and go from there..
he ate a good breakfast and ate again thats good!
hopefully were back on track again!! what a ROAD BLOCK this has been for us!!!! just when you think things are get a bump in the road! just like life - isnt it!
thank you to everyone who's helping with us- especially the specific prayers- the power of the priesthood is real and were all a witness to it - how blessed we are to experience this together and watch the Lords hand a work..even in this day in age of 2006!!!

he seems to have slept well..

i just called the hospital and they said in the computer that he had a good night..he was up eating breakfast right now at 8am...i will wait a few more minutes then call the nurse incharge of jon to get a status of jon...
i asked if they had scheduled the MRI..but they said the MRI people will call the hospital and tell them when jon can hopefully that gets done today..i'll be super frustrated if its not!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

ugh- thats all i can say write now...

its now 1130pm..i JUST got back from the hospital..i arrived at 8pm and talked to the doctor about jons condition...seems like the bowels are working and thats being relieved..he scheduled jon to have an MRI taken tomorrow to rule anything out - so far the xray's have been good- so we'll see what if anything the MRI shows...
at 8pm they had given jon 2 vicadin, 2 colace, 1 antibiotic for the UTI, and 1 pepcid...he HATES having to take pills like that!!!
then i helped to bathe him and dress him for the 10pm he said his pain was STILL at an 8 out of 10..we just cant figure this thing out!! so we called the charge nurse in and she then called the doctor who had him take 2 MORE vicadin along with his 2 Resterol (sleeping pills) at 1030pm he took 4 MORE pills - seriously he's not happy about taking so many pills - especially those big horse pills!!
i said companion prayer quietly with him ..and he then fell asleep by 11pm...
he told me "ya know when i first got here i had NO pain and took NOTHING..then i had a little pain so i took a couple tylenol..then i had MORE pain so i took a couple im having MORE pain still and there having me take HOW MUCH vicadin!?!?!" were really concerned about this pain his in..which we believe after some research is called "nueropathic pain"..he has burning like a 1st degree burn INSIDE his body at the triceps, the upper chest down thru his abdomen, under both thighs and on top both shins..he said its NOT the skin..its in the body..and it comes in waves...when he dozes subsides a bit..but when he comes to its full throddle serious just watch him whince when it happens..
im going to go online and do some more research..he's having that MRI tomorrow morning..they will have to get an ambulance over to transfer him across and down the street to get that done..
we so desperatly need serious prayers right now..he said its just about taking him over mentally..could you imagine burning like that and not being able to MOVE at all!??! when i talked to the charge nurse a few days ago - she said.."you know that is THEE worst pain ever..its worse then ANYTHING else..that burning pain he's having..and nobody can know what that is like unless you've had it.." i feel so bad for jon..because i dont even know what the pain feels like..i cant even begin to imagine..
please pray that this bowel issue is complete..and that this burning pain will subside..and that if it is indeed part of the healing process..that it happens quickly..i cant watch him suffer like this anymore..its killing me to my very core..
i have to keep "remembering" the blessings that were given..the way i felt after i FIRST prayed after i heard of his accident.. i have to keep remembering to go thru this time with a "celestial" frame of mind..thats the only thing that's helping to bring peace to me..
im SO grateful i have this knowledge..and that i can use these things to help me right now...that im not crawling into my bed and not wanting to get out and face the day..that im not having to be on any medication to help me cope..that im leaning on my Heavenly Father right now..i turn towards my patriartichal blessing that states simply.."You are his." i find DEEP comfort in this..
please everyone help my sweet jon...its time as he always says "bless your heart"..its time to "bless his heart"....

a little more at ease..

well its now 230pm...talked to tracy..he did have bowel movements again..the vicadin has kicked in...he's feeling better..still miserable..but a little better..he hasn't even gotten out of his bed today..they did all his PT in his bed...
Todd the rehab guy that we talked to at the first hospital and another nurse that were doing rounds today ..came into jons room..and then left saying to eachother quietly..but tracy heard.."now that guy will totally snap back!! if anyone here at this rehab is going to do it- it will be that jon hales he's like the poster child for this entire place!"
that was awesome to hear!!
thank you for all of your prayers concerning this matter..ive realized how important it is to have SPECIFIC prayers-- im so grateful to all of you who are helping us right now..there are so many of you..and so many of you i dont even know..thank you thank you thank you...i will never ever be able to give thanks in return ..all i can do is continue to live righteously and be a strength to jon and my girls..


jon has been taking stuff since day ONE to keep his bowels functioning..we do know that the vicadin does make things worse which is why they have hooked him back up to an IV and he is taking aggressive medication to keep things going..
i imagine this is just all so hard on his already fraile body...he's already lost 20lbs as is..but his spirit is so much stronger then his body - its so frustrating for him im sure

the edge off..

i just talked to tracy..its been an hour since he took the last 2 vicadin..he said the edge is off but he's still pretty miserable and doesnt even want to move right now..
he has his lunch but doesnt even want to eat that either..he did have some more bowel function happen in the last hour so that is good..
i believe jeff beauliue, mike cannell and wes banagas are on their way to give jon a priesthood blessing...
im trying to keep my spirits up..all i can do is wait and pray..

still in pain..

sadly jon is STILL in so much pain..his arms, upper chest, going down to his stomach..his legs..they are all just on FIRE...the nurse told me its the worst pain anyone can go thru..nobody knows what its like unless your the one going thru it..jon tells me his pain level is a 7-8 out of 10..which for the rest of us means 15!! he feels like he still has more to do bowel wise..and its just a LOT of waiting around for things to work..he was suppose to take his next 2 vicadin at 1pm..but they called the doctor and he released permission for him to not have to wait and get it at 12 so it would be working by 1pm..
this is just so unbelievably hard for me right now...only because i know jon is suffering so much..and he says his pain is at 8 which i KNOW means WAY MORE...
tracy who is with him right now said he was shaking so bad that he couldnt even talk to me..his body is on fire and then his chin shakes uncontrollably..were hoping that all this pain is being caused by his bowels..otherwise i dont know what is going on..we have taken xrays..and they all show all is okay..and that he had a LOT of congestion in the upper digestive hopefully thats what is causing all this pain for him..last night it was moving down and he was able to function more..but its just STILL more waiting...


he was able to get his bowels to function last night..he did mostly thru the night so he didnt sleep at all all night long..he's SO tired today --- he's very nauseated still and cant eat anything..he's TRYING to eat a piece of toast..
please keep praying for him - its really rough and hard for him right now..

Monday, April 10, 2006

special prayer

we are asking everyone to have a special prayer for jon..he needs his bowels to function..this is causing serious pain and serious he had to be hooked back up to an IV..he's very nauseated and his pain level stays high due to this issue...please please please everyone with all the faith they can muster up - please pray for this..

Day Helpers

I am in need of day helpers to be with jon..if anyone is available for tuesday of this week..please call me and let me know..
its typically from 9-10am to 8pm...
thank you!!


we wanted to say thank you to everyone that is prayering for jon and our family..we truly feel it...there have been so many miracles on our behalf its amazing..we are so deeply humbled that everyone is so concerned about us..that everyone is desperatly seeking for something..anything..that they can do to lighten our load and our burden...
yesterday jon was telling us that we as a couple and individually had never really had a "real trial" and that he didnt even consider what he's going through right now a "real trial"...i told him.."its because it really isnt a trial its a TRIBULATION!!!!"
this truly is a tribulation as my dear friend Celesta pointed out..
we are asking that you pray that his nueropathic pain will subside..that it will not get gradually worse..that his bowels will function..that he will be able to stabalize his pain so that he can continue to function better...that he will be reminded of the blessings he's been giving thus far to buoy up his faith..these few things are SO important right now..
when tracy was there she mentioned how remarkable it is that he's changed so much! i guess when me and jon are seeing it everyday its hard to take note of the i'll take a minute and share them with you..
he is able to freely move his arms..with much less effort then before..he's able to bring both arms up to pat his head..or scratch his face! i had noticed last night that the veins were coming back in his arms again..he had prominent veins that i LOVED because it made his arms look strong and healthy..i was thrilled to see those starting to come back!!! as a whole his upper body is coming back to the "old jon i loved"..he was happy to hear that..
he continues to get more and more feeling as each day goes by..were so grateful!
on saturday when we were alone..he was reaching out to try to hold my hand...he was so bummed that he couldnt feel my hand..i interlocked my fingers into his..and then turned my head towards the outside..i didnt want him to see me terribly sad that he cant feel my hand in was too much for me..i just let the tears stream down...i finally took some tissue and wiped my face..he told me to "keep makes him feel like he is taking care of me"..that's SO true-- for the most part taking care of him or someone else is..but for those few minutes..he was taking care of was so very special..
thank you everyone for all of your help!! thank you for sharing this tribulation with us! i truly feel that all of our prayers are working and EVEN those on the other side of the veil! i know for sure they are pleading with the Lord just as we are...we are connected to both blessed we are to have a knowledge of the Gospel..that it was restored to its truest sense..that this is the same Gospel that was here before..its wonderful that even in this day in age when so much bad and evil is around us..that we are all engulfed in this experience to bring us closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to make us stronger for the days be able to delight in goodness

what a spiritual day!

Sorry i had to wait so long to write this out...the past few nights i havent been getting to sleep till well after midnight..after yesterday i just didnt have the strength..please forgive me...
Yesterday started out with me meeting Robert and Bob Buckley at the hospital with jon..then we headed back to my house to see what would need to be done...we looked at option one which would be the downstairs project and then we looked at option 2 which is really want me and jon want is for him to be upstairs in our room..were going to be looking at a traction system that would bring jon up the stairs..turn around it and have him end at the 2nd floor...then he could push himself into our double door master bedroom and his bed would be in there...then he'd have a special simple chair that he would use to do all of his morning showering stuff in..our bathroom is quite big so the would be able to manuver all around...we will raise the bathroom flooring just a bit so and then tile it all and then all the water would drain into the shower stall area...we wouldnt even have to tear that much up in the bathroom upstairs..the 2nd option would be the least invasive and most comfortable for would make him feel like he still has his own space and isnt in the bedroom downstairs on display all the time! my father was there too giving his insight as lucky i am to work with such honorable men as my father and robert hales...anyone who knows these two individuals would certainly agree!
we then left and headed back to the hospital...once there the santos' were visiting and then the williams family came...colleen williams is THRILLED to be able to be with jon all day wednesday to help out..then they all left and bro. walker arrived as did todd hales...we talked to jon about his needs and desires..bro. walker..what can i SAY about that man!!! he has been the hales' family home teacher for the past 15 years or so...he's a deep thinker too..he doesnt teach the gospel on the surface..he digs deep and makes you think! we love that!!
first todd gave a blessing, then robert, then bro. walker...i quietly listened there along with sandra with tears streaming down my face...what a priviledge to be in that room at that literally felt like we were all in heaven gathered around listening to Christ speak directly to was...Christ was speaking thru those men to jon...i stood there listening SO heart was WIDE open to all that was being said...again it was so moving its something i'll never ever blessed we all were to get a glimpse of what heaven would be like...
bro. walker talked to jon about the concept of continually pleading with the Lord and asking for further priesthood blessings..there is no wrong in that..
soon there after, jons seminary class came with Pres. Albertchson..that was SO neat for him!!! he talked to them about the Atonement and how he suffered and how he knows each one of us personally and whatever sufferings we have..both great and was could tell he was being moved by the spirit and speaking with and thru the spirit..they took a picture with him and each gave him a was so touching!!
Pres. Albrechtson was able to give me my stake president interview for my temple reccommend outside on the patio...with tears again streaming down my face i answered each times like this..these questions mean SO much more!! he then asked if there was anything he could do...i asked if he would give me a priesthood blessing..he did so...again we were so moved by that blessing as well..
soon there after jons family left and me and jon spent some time alone..i left him after companion prayer around 11pm..his mother sandra will be with him today..

jon had a wonderful blessed we were to experience that together..