Tuesday, January 31, 2006

barbie wedding game-good or bad idea??

so today my girls and their friend have spent lots of time on the computer playing this barbie dream wedding CD..is that good or bad?!??!
its actually kind of fun! you get to pick you dress, your bridesmaid dresses, the tuxes, the flowers, the music, the decor EVERYTHING! then you get to sit back and watch it happen- the girls are amazed everytime when barbie says "i do" -- like what else would she say?!?!?
as a mother of 4 daughters..im beginning to get nervous about this game!!

Tuesday 1/31/06

So today is the 31st- that means its my sister Heidi's bday- she's 29! Watched the bachelor last nite- my girl susan is still in! YA!!
this am i got up and went walking/running again...i did WAY more walking but i guess thats better then nothing at all!! i now need to go shower and get ready for the day.
Today im not doing too much..picking up the house..cleaning the vanities since i didnt do that yesterday..and taking rachel to piano lessons at 330pm..she sure loves piano!
im having issues with rebecca as of late....she's fine but as SOON as she see's me..if i dont pick her up she has a full out tantrum!! i dont get it! so im trying to spend more time with her during the day so that she feels like she's getting my attention...i hate to have to just keep putting her in her crib everytime she has a fit..because then her sleeping schedule gets all messed up...
example..i was gone exercising this am..and i put her in seat with a bowl of cereal..she was chipper as ever..then i went walking and i came back and she was happily upstairs in the playroom with the other 3 girls..rachel wanted to show me them playing..i told her i have to be careful..if becca see's me she'll go crazy! she didnt see me and they were all playing nicely BUT as i turned around..she saw me!! and she went CRAZY!!! so i ended up sitting on the couch with her for an hour..ive finally been able to sneak away..i may have to do some research as to how to help this problem..
well off to start my day!

Monday, January 30, 2006

this is what the girls wanted to do today this january day!! gotta love so cal!!!
yes the spa is heated and its actually 66 degrees outside- crazy!!
i just checked out weather and its going to be 70 tomorrow and 80 by friday- WHAT THE HECK?!?! but NO COMPLAINTS from me!!

Monday 1/30/06

Its monday...refreshed from the past week...looking out for the new things of this week...
this am i got up and went walking/running with vicki..we go m/w/f at 830ish..we go for 2.8 miles...right now were mostly walking and weve gotten ourselves up to running almost a full mile..i have a bit to go but vicki can totally do it!!
On my to do list today is...seeing what dinner is tonite, picking up the house, making the girls make their beds and pick up their rooms, starting laundry, cleaning the bathroom vanitys, and then seeing what fun thing i can do with the girls today. They are out of school for the next 4 weeks...maybe a movie today!?!...and think of something for fhe...maybe how to be reverant when home teachers are here!!! we had issues with that yesterday!!
Im also trying to call my mom to see if she wants to go to vegas with me to visit her mom. My cousin Susana lives out there so me and my girls can stay with her..she has lots of room. Id like to go tomorrow and come back thursday or friday. My dad is in AZ all this week so it would be a good time for my mom to go. My mom feels like if dad's home..she cant go anywhere!! My grandma is i think 95ish years old!! she cracks me up - every morning she wakes with the same phrase "DARN! im STILL here!!!" gotta love her!!
Id also like to take the girls to disneyland as much as we can... our passes expire sometime in march...so we should use them as much as we can this month while they are out of school and everyone else is still in school!
well time to go start my day!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

sunday 1/29/06

AHHH i love sundays!! i notice my sundays are so much nicer when i have really prepared the night before like i did yesterday. I had my dinner planned out and ready to go, (crock pot roast), i had all the girls clothes picked out and ready by their beds SHOES INCLUDED!!, i had my lesson prepared and was anxious and excited to share it (all of my 25 17/18yr olds!! YIKES!), the spirit was in my home beginning from last nite.
Today i woke and got myself ready, the girls were already dressed and eating breakfast downstairs.. we even made it to church on time! The talks were really good, one especially about how we need to keep our children safe from the outside world influences, and the other was about the internet and the good that it is and the bad that it can become. It talked about parents asking the kids about the internet instead of just ASSUMING that they had good kids and that their kids could never do no wrong...i thought that was such a valid point..i have many friends that have never even heard of my.space.com so when our stake has asked us to not participate in that site..many didnt even know it existed!! anyway - i just got some good points from the talks...
then i gave my lesson..it went great- i must be doing pretty good - i noticed 3 ADULTS attended my class!!!!
r/s and priesthood were combined..so i got to sit with jon..it was the McKells, they use to be in the orange 3rd ward with my parents a LONGGG time ago..like when i was little..they have been serving missions now for 15 years..their son mark is in our ward with his family..they gave great talks..especially bro. mckell...he taught us that just as we are here on earth doing the 3 fold mission of the church, so will we be in the spirit world.. those of us in the LDS church have the true and complete doctrine and we in turn will teach those that have never heard of it in the spirit world...that is why we are also here..to learn HOW to teach..it made me really think of my calling more!!! also i found it interesting when he said that jesus was on the cross..and the two theives next to him said.. if you are a God then get us out of this situation..but He said...you will be with me in paradise (meaning the spirit world) then when mary was at the garden of the tomb..she was sad because He was not there..when mary turned and saw Him..she started to go towards Him to embrace him and He said..stop..i have not yet gone to my Father..meaning that he was in the Spirit world...we will do just as He did!
So now we are home. Jon rushed off to get HT done..then ours will come here at 3pm. I have dinner in the crockpot and after the HT leave i will start making my homemade dinner rolls followed by some sort of dessert. Im in the mood to invite another family over for dinner or just for dessert and games..we shall see how i feel as the day progresses!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

saturday 1/28/06

So its saturday 840am...all the girls are already up! have been up for a while now...jon and i had friends over to play settlers till 1am...i lost! UGH!
today i need to go take my shower and put my face on, get the girls ready for their primary activity and put my stuff together for the baby shower...
i really have no plans once the shower is done..i will probably need to go over my Sunday School lesson.. i teach the 17/18 year old "seniors" class...i have about 25 kids in there- its a big class! i really enjoy teaching when i have it planned out instead of last minute..
i forgot to mention that my baby sister melissa had her baby on wed. she named her little girl Kira Melissa and that she looks NOTHING like melissa! Kira likes like her daddy. My mom said its funny that of all her 3 adopted girls...we've each had babies now and the 1st babies dont look ANYTHING like us!!! DRASTICALLY different! my first has blondish hair and blue eyes, heidi's first has RED hair and brown eyes, and melissas first has brown hair and dark eyes..nothing like melissa!!
well becca's already crying for attention..better go feed the other screaming loud children!

Friday, January 27, 2006

Friday 1/27/2006

YA ITS FRIDAY!! not like i have any plans though?!?! im really enjoying the blogging thing -its nice for me to reflect on what im doing for the day -thanks amie!
so yesterday i finished with all my GDC stuff-i cant believe HOW MUCH IT ALL COSTS?!?! we have to rent one table, 2 chairs and a trash can..and its costing us 350 bucks?!?!! SO RETARDED!!!! ive found someone to watch our girls..bonnie and kevin who watched them when we went to brazil for 17 days..so everyone is excited -especially me because bonnie is SO good!!
i had to laugh because yesterday i made sloppy joes and tator tots-i think Jon enjoyed that meal the most!
so today i got up and got ready to go running - which i HATE! to run on PURPOSE!??!?! i met some friends..we walked the first half then ran the second half - it only reminded me that i REALLY AM A 31 yr old mother of 4 kids!! not good!! our R/S is doing a 5K..so were "training" for that..i think its more like "depressing ourselves" for that!! hehehe
no big plans for me today..i need to get that shower in and get off the computer, pick up the downstairs, see what tonites dinner menu is - oh ya thats right its chinese take out!, the girls have half day today so we might go try to see a movie, rachel has piano group lesson at 3:30pm..then thats about it..no plans for tonite-maybe a good ol' game of settlers with russell and tracy!
ps: is anyone watching the bachelor?? LOVE IT! and its not jerry springer trashy - cuz the guy actually has some class!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Thursday 1/26/2006

So today is thursday...didnt get much done from yesterday!?!? although i did manage to get my meals planned for almost 2 weeks and then shopped for it all - RIGHT ON!!! i did check on some cabins for arrowhead too..i need to call and see how much thats going to cost...
i also need to fax a bunch of papers for our business for the GDC convention STILL! need to just finish that up already!!!
last nite didnt sleep too well...rebecca woke up and whinned for like 2 hours...one hour before i went in and changed her diaper - which was fine..and gave her a juice cup..then she cried another hour after that...her room is right next to our with her crib right against our wall which doesnt help things...she did go back to sleep..and my fab husband jon let me sleep in..even though HE had to be up at 530am to teach seminary- IVE TAUGHT HIM WELL HUH!!!
this am i used my oil of olay microbrasion kit- have to say im LOVING IT!!! today rachel has Achievement Day at 4pm...thats about all...
well now to "really" begin my day - even though its 11:30! i was busy trying to catch up on my dvr'd oprahs!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


so today is wednesday...ive got BIG plans..they include figuring out my dinner meals...shopping for them...picking up flowers for my VT people i have..dropping those off with a note to let them all know im their new visiting creature...homework with the girls at 3pm...haircut for sarah at 4pm...make dinner at 5pm...eat dinner at 6pm...bedtime for girls at 8pm...
its now 8:51am...i need to hit the shower too...i found a GREAT product for my soap scum on my bathroom and shower glass...its that comet cleaner thats in a spray bottle..i SWEAR i havent cleaned my glass because NOTHING ever worked ..but i was recommended this by rebecca from mormonchic.com and it was AWESOME!!! came right off - and no scrubbing!!! FABULOUS!!
i will also still need to help jon figure out what we need to rent for GDC...and look for a cabin to rent in arrowhead...
wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

stressed out!

okay i can atleast scratch "setting up my blog" off my to do list- thanks amie!
i STILL need to go make lunch for my 2 small children..even though its already 1:34pm..then i need to change the laundry load..then i need to clean up the kitchen..then i need to come back and check my peeps out at mormonchic.com..and then my email naturally of course..then i need to start looking for a 5bd/3ba cabin in lake arrowhead that all the hales are going to stay at for memorial weekend..and it has to have a jacuzzi per roberts request - he's so picky!! hehe...my friends are going to be so bummed we cant chill with them...they are all going to lake mead to wakeboard, dirt bike ride, etc ...oh well..wont be as fun without the hales there!!....then i need to help jon figure out how much money we have to spend on this GDC conference were going to..oh and then figure out who's going to be able to watch our kids for that week..any offers!?! im paying 500 to do it! my kids are pretty easy- no bitters!!
im wondering...will my butt get bigger, wider and flatter the longer i sit in a computer chair? because im ALWAYS sitting down at the computer...i might need to change that?!?!

im cool now!!

hey check me out!!! im cool now!!! bringing myself to the 06 baby!
hopefully the rest of my peeps can join the blog generation and we'll all have something to look at when we are old and grumpy...