Sadly jon is still at about a 7...he said after therapy he was wheeling out and the Tuckers were there with a fresh green bean burrito from del taco - HIS FAVORITE! thanks guys! i had brought one to him..but he was SO tired to even look at it and the thought of actually eating it was too i just ended up having to throw it away..i was happy to hear he got one though!!!
He said after therapy they just put him back into his bed...he's still just so tired and groggy ..i cant hardly tell what he is saying when im talking to him on the phone..he's getting ready for i'll have to call him later..or maybe wait till tomorrow and see if he's more awake..i'd hate to call and end up waking him up..i'll probably just call the nurses first to see if he's asleep or awake in a couple of hours...
please just keep praying for him...maryann..if you read this please email me a report so i can put it on the blog..i imagine its nice to get a different perspective from someone else other then myself..
colleen williams will be there that will be good..then sandra on thursday and friday if robert still has his cough..
just keep the prayers going for his pain..the upper trunk control which IS working!!! and for his bowels which again IS working too!! so thank you so much for those prayers!!! thanks for the dinners that keep coming in - everyone asks if weve had too much of something - surprisingly no!! they've been SOOO good!! thanks to carisa snow and kristen thompson for being in my home for a few hours everyday so i can go visit jon or get stuff done...the little that everyone does helps me out SO much - im so thankful!!!
2 years ago
1 comment:
Hello Christina & Jon,
This is Joyce Whitaker, (Marv & Joyce, Nikki Krumenacker Smith's mom from our old Orange 2nd & 5th Ward).
Nikki called to tell us about Jon, and you are all in our prayers and on the Temple Prayer lists here in Utah, Bountiful, Salt Lake, Ogden, West Jordan, Provo, and (Tipanogas sp?-American Fork).
Please know our love and most sincere prayers go out to you, Jon and your cute little daughters.
I would like to offer what help I might from this distance, Bountiful, Utah. I have just retired from working on Nursing Teams in a number of capasities, but especially with patients in the same conditions as Jon. I hope that what info I can send you for Jon might help him in a rapid recovery.
It sounds like he is actually doing very well after the kind of injury he sustained, although I don't know much of any details.
I have cared for many patients like Jon, and a number of them head injuries and spinal injuries from (Motorcycle accidents).
Let me share some suggestions that I personally saw effective. I once had 2 patients with the same types of injuries in the same room; one 46 year old man with injuries from going 80mph without a helmet flipping over the handles of his motorcycle. He should have been dead. The other was younger, early 30's in construction and fell several stories with like injuries.
What amazed me was that the first couple of weeks, both men were almost identical with their cares and condition, then the wife of the motorcycle accident patient brought in a NIKKEN matteress and pillow for her husband. Since I was working on the team for both men, I was totally amazed to see the rapid recovery that the doctors said was a "miracle". I'll refer to one as the "NIKKEN Guy". He left our unit in less than 6 weeks, the other was still there after 9 months the last I saw him when I retired, and was just up in his wheel chair still chipping away at his therapy. I would come in each night and the NIKKEN Guy would be responding, moving, speaking, (he was all gold stars in therapy, advancing in literally amazing strides.) The other was slipping in and out of consciousness, needing around the clock repositioning.
I also had a Delivery RN in her 30s who had been in a car accident and thrown from the vehicle. She was in a full body cast, with a halo (a unit that holds the skull and neck in place with metal pins)on a respirator. She had 3 little kids her huisband would bring in to visit. Debbi also had degloving ( the flesh on both arms rolled off up to her elbows.) She was in a lot of pain even with heavy meds. As I worked with her in her cares I realized she had a lot more going for her than anyone thought. Each night I would work with her to communicate her needs as I did her cares. We started with a blink of her eyes, then progressed to her being able to slightly lift one foot. No one thought she could, but I logged our efforts and the rest of the teams began working with and encouraging her to do the same. She walked out of our hospital in less than 3 months. She had an incredible will, and the more she was cheered on, I saw her come out of an abyss of depression.
Working in Hospice, although Hospice is usually not for cure purposes, but for managing pain and preparing for death, it was not uncommon to have hospice patients recover. There is a very effective pain management technique that I have used with individuals as well as personally called (EFT). I personally have used this method of pain management for NF, which has no cure. (Neurofibromatosis-multiple tummors along the peripheral nervous system, painful tumors that burn like hot daggers of which I have hundreds). I have never had to rely on pain meds, and have had tremendous success using the EFT method. I went through 12 hours of CAT Scans for this problem with pain so bad in one side I was in constant pain, (from 7-10) with nausea, couldn't sleep or lay down. This EFT is one of my greatest blessings, along with the preisthood blessings I have received. I think this might help Jon with many aspects of his recovery. I have this method on an E-book which I can send to you. You can easily teach Jon, yourself and others to do this procedure. It can be used not only for physical condtions, but emotional and behavior conditions as well, is well documented, is safe and natural. It can be helpful to anyone going through stress of any kind, including yourself. I am absolutely amazed with it's effectiveness, and the blessed relief. The book is not that long, the technique is quick and easy to use and administer to another. There is a website with much more advanced instructions and information, with updates and letters as well. I will be happy to send you a copy in an email as an attachment. You can reach me at
The other suggestion I have is a way to increase Jon's glutathione, which is the major antioxidant of the body , detoxifying agent, balances oxidation and antioxidation, builds the immune system and regulates and strengthens all cell funcitons.
What this means for someone like Jon after such severe injuries and major medications is, his glutithoine levels will be low, toxins from the necessary meds will be building with related side effects, oxidation to all the body's cells will be taxed, if not severely strained. When glutathione is raised all the regulators of the cells' funcitons improve the immune system, balances the oxidation and antioxidation in the body and increases the body's abilities to repair. Pain decreases.
I have information of this as well. You can find reference to it in the Pharmacist's Red Book, (just go to a pharmacy and ask to look it up in their Red Book under,(Immunotec) and it is also in the physican's PDR. Cancer patients who have gone through Chemo are greatly helped with this, and you will see reference to that. I have used a patented supplement of this and have many documents on it's use and know many people who have amazing recoveries with it's supplementation. Just let me know where to email you the info. Glutathione must be made within the body to be effective, and the patented supplementation brings on that process. So called "glutathione pills" are destroyed in the digestion process and are of no use. ER doctors use a highly concentrated shot of a very expensive form for overdose of meds to save the lives for overdose patients that must work within 20 minutes before irreversable damage is done to the liver and death occurs. An ER doctor will be very familar with glutathione.
Well, bless your hearts, this is a lot of info for you both to consider. I wish I was close by, I would be checking on Jon and making sure he was getting the best care possible.
Check to see he is rotated regularly, every 2 hours, positioned so he doesn't get pressure ulcers. Check where ever his body rests on the bed or wheel-chair. (Heels, Toes where blankets rest, hip bones, buttocks, elbows, even his ears when he is laying on his sides.)
A little sweet trick: keep a bowl of small wrapped candies by his bed for the nurses,CNAs and other staff. You can bet they will come and check on him more often.
All our love and prayers to you and Jon, daughters and family.
Joyce & Marv Whitaker
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