Well its now 1130pm..everyone is in bed but me..i took some benadryl to help me fall asleep instead of my mind spinning about how to make our lives easier..just waiting now for it to kick in!
Today was a good day..i tried several times to get some sleep..but i just couldnt shut my mind off..it will work one day!
Katie and Seth came to help for the day..Seth did work with jon, katie and i ran to get a couple things for her wedding NEXT thursday- CRAZY!
Erin kept the girls all day for me..SO NICE THANKS! i needed it especially today!!
they came home and went swimming with katie..scratch off taking a bath!! hehe
we ate dinner at 6pm, and then at 7pm i told them to get their buddy and since there are no baths tonite they all had to pick up their rooms..and away they went..
at 8pm we did 15 minute family reading time, family prayer and off to bed they all went..poor katie and seth stayed till after 10pm helping jon with first his work stuff then the tv -rehooking a receiver up to it...
i havent gotten the referral yet from our doctor, we've been playing phone tag ALL day! i hope to hear from him tomorrow though..
I have a nurse coming on thursday..she is from kenya..she has visitors from kenya here who fly back home tomororw..so she will come on thursday- so i will do it one more time tomorrow, then thursday i will train and then friday i can SEE THE LIGHT!!
Ive got the all nite cath hooked up on jon again..he feels like "its not good enough" or that "he'll have worse UTI's"..so if anyone knows anything or has experience PLEASE leave a comment- it gets hard trying to constantly assure someone that "they'll be okay"...
We ask that you continue to pray for more movement, continue to pray for more ideas to come into my head regarding what i can do to help make our life more easier, continue to pray for the children to work well and as a family team, we ask especially that you pray for jons focusing abilities..and that he's not so tired..he is under IMMENSE pressure to get this speech prepared by NEXT monday..everyone wants so badly to help..yet he's the one that kinda has to write it! Robert has blessed us by working to organize it for him..so we ask that you specifically pray REALLY hard that he's able to just push this thing out..and that he feels good about it..its hard when your "day" doesnt even begin till 1230pm!! then by 8pm your in bed again! poor jon will be on his dragon software (voice recognition software for the computer) and just close his eyes and drift to sleep..so pray that he'll have energy and be able to accomplish this ENORMOUS task for someone in his condition just after 4 months!! he feels SOOO Strongly about making this business work...i cannot imagine the enormous pressure he is under especially NOW with what he can and cant do..
so enough rambling - and lets start praying!! okay i think the benadryl kicked in!
2 years ago
I am telling you the cranberry pills work from personal experience. I think you can even find them at Walgreens. Make sure he is drinking a lot of water too to flush it all out. But the pills are the best without sugar.
I hope that you are both able to sleep well tonight.
Christina, there are things a doctor can give you also that just help your mind relax so you can sleep naturally. I went through a time that I was so stressed I couldn't sleep and I finally asked my doctor about it. It helped so much and I was able to get the sleep I needed. You need to take care of you just as much if not more than your family. You are in my prayers.
Hey Babe,Been there ,posted after i did,RE: the Pubic cath.Check it out,k? it's a few bloggs back....i know it's a hard thing cold call someone...but you'll love the peace in "KATIE McCreary's voice...HHhhmmm it seems her voice has wisdom and is very soothing. They live in Orange Park Acres...And i can take you there to meet them....Jon too if you'ld like(i know the time thing-speech and all), But,John, her husband is home ALL day and she works....then comes home for Their time 2 hours or so....so after the girls go to bed might be the best time to call her. Seriously....your doing SOOOO good! She has insights to KEEP you that way...keeping YOU strong and yours and JON's Relationship(hubby and wiffey) as well.
One more thing...Can JON give you a blessing? with assistance of course? Dunno, Just one of those (inspired) but afraid to put it out there things....but i just had to ask.
I SOOOOO remember you saying to me, "Laura, HEY! People ACTING on there inspiratrions Allows the lord to help our family"
Have a GREAT day Beautiful!! XOXO
Jon will not be alone, the Lord will be with him when he delivers his speach and the entire place will be better for it.
The words will come through the spirit. Its going to be an amazing event for Jon, no doubt in my mind.
Jon is doing his part and Heavenly Father will do the rest.
He is so deserving of everything beautiful and great.
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