to start off..there seems to be someone on here that falls under the 'if you dont have anything nice or UPLIFTING to say - please do not comment"..i will continue to delete your comments...(just so you know, i looked online for average pay and its between 8-12--so 10 is reasonable..keep in mind please, we have no income so this is money that has been graciously donated to us to help us..its about using money given to you wisely)
to continue- "been there" WOW! im SOOO grateful for all that you have said!! i feel like you really understand what it is that im going thru, my grieving process, my highs, my lows, everything!! i will need to somehow email you and get information..thank you for sharing your thoughts and i hope that everyone will read your comment to get an even better picture of what im going thru, my emotions, everything..i just cant say enough how GRATEFUL i am you found my blog!!! thank you -thank you- thank you!!!!
today has been a good day, i sat with the smaller girls outside as they played in their little blue pool..just doing things like that i miss as a mom..then my sweet neighbor brought over dinner for us tonite-they are not LDS and its SOOO neat to see them be able to help - they dont get to do alot of service- so doing this is so great they said!! then we took the girls over to tracy's so that me, jon and robert could go do something fun..jons been DYING to just get out of the we ended up at best buy..then we got home... i prepared him for bed and then went to do my wed run..still making my 2 miles! whoo hoo!!
lately i feel like life is going well..i have a system down with jon in the mornings, im getting more things done around the house, working my way to a new normal..its so encouraging! i have such great family and friend support-im so thankful! especially right now for our friends..our families live 35 minutes away and so to have such awesome friends and great people in our church ward to continously help us is just such a blessing...were so incredibly thankful for ANY and ALL the service that has been rendered on our behalf...most importantly the quiet prayers given for our family..
well its 116am..i just finished up a cath for jon..time for me to hit the sack!
2 years ago
Wow that was a great comment...probably very helpful to you. It's hard for those who are not or who have not gone through what you are going through to truly understand your needs.
I am so glad that you and Jon were able to get out of the house. So funny how husbands love to go to stores like best buy or fry's electronics. My husband loves Fry electronics as well.
I so impressed that you can run 2 miles at night. I hate to run at night. Just don’t have the energy I guess. I run in the mornings. If I ever make it to California we will have to go running.
Keep being strong.
Your MC friend,
Donna (Monty)
christina, you might know this already but there is a setting that you have to approve the comments before they are posted. I just thought I would mention it if you continue to have problems. I read your blog every day and am amazed at your strength. Someday you and your family will look back at this time in your lives and see how much you grew and what you were able to do for eachother and everyone around you. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us and making me appreciate the little things once again.
Your MC friend,
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