Friday, July 28, 2006

caught in a moment...

I noticed a big package last nite as we arrived home..i just now opened it and much to my surprise was this framed picture..
I found myself "caught in a moment" in i looked at this picture..and couldnt help but notice how much this man looks like Jon...ive been quietly crying for the last 20 minutes...THANK YOU to Uncle Gary, Aunt Peggy and all of our dear cousins from Orem, Utah..this is unbelievable and so very touching..thank you.
This picture puts this trial into a perspective that is sometimes hard to maintain..and we thank you for helping us to find that perspective..
I dont know what else to say about this picture other then ive been "caught in a moment" of time in where the Spirit I feel and I cannot deny. I am touched by HF's pure love for me as his daughter and pure love for jon as His son. How blessed we are to be encircled and enveloped in Him. I am so incredibly grateful for moments such as these when the Spirit is so strong and continues to testify to has purpose and meaning and thus so do the trials that we are in..even the one of this magnitude. Im reminded of a poem that Pres. Hanson shared with me at the temple in a quiet was called "Detours" and the writer wrote that she was on a path..and it took a detour..and as she ended her detour and came to the end..she looked around and noticed that at this very wonderful place she had finally come to..she turned around and saw that there WAS NO ONE WAY road..they were ALL detours..
I am grateful for a loving HF and for His Son and what He has done for mankind to provide us with the opportunity to strengthen ourselves and become like Him to be able to return to live with HF once again as we did before.
I always speak about the word "remember" and the significance of that very simple word..i remind myself once again of how i have just now "remembered" what it feels like to feel the Spirit and to have it bare witness to me of a loving living HF and for that I am truly grateful and edified..
Isnt life beautiful when were "caught in a moment"!


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful picture. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us. Your family has touched so many lives. Keep staying strong
Donna (Monty)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you sharing your sweet testimony.
It is nice when you take the time out of your busy life to share your wisdom and insights not only on your blog but also on MC. I have learned so much from you.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that beautiful picture and your tender feelings about being "caught in a moment". I had never heard that expression before but I know exactly what it means!

Thinking of you and your family...