Tuesday, June 06, 2006

never going to believe this!!

your never going to believe this!! jon can NOW move his right index finger!!!! SMALLLL movements- BUT STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes moving it just barely from left to right- SO COOL!!!!


Anonymous said...

Christina!! aren't you two just the greatest team EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much LIFE, So much LOVE, So much
...plunbing-FANTASTIC JOB CHRISTINA,You GO GIRL!!& exter(man)ater -GREAT JOB JON!!-Keep SMACKING those spiders!!! seems to be SUPER therapy!!.your GREAT you two and THE CUTEST EVER!!TAKE CARE~laura~

Anonymous said...

wow- what determination! you are being so blessed. ohhhh and that whole plumbing thing- yuck, and good job! Keep on working! you guys are blessed!

Anonymous said...

WOW,WOW, That is way cool.