today jon is very anxious..we think its probably the new medication..i will have to get online and research this out- its methadone..he just started it...
he doesnt seem to be in too much pain..just very anxious, lupy, tired, like his body is going to sleep on him..making it hard to breath type thing...
we have rachel's piano recital at 2pm...were hoping we can get jon there..there is also a ward bby at 430pm..we'll have to wait and see how jons doing..he did say that he doesnt think he'll make the entire recital..
the not knowing is really hard sometimes...makes planning for anything not is very simply day by day for us still..
we'll see how the rest of the day goes..
1 year ago
1 comment:
Hey Baby Girl! Your doing SSOOooo well in the Day by day stuff, sorry you can't plan very far ahead....i feel ya!Tho, The not knowing is really hard and the Peace and the " ALL WILL BE WELL PART" Well it is really not so's just the "GETTING THERE PART" that get's us so impatient . But i've found some REAL great solice. I'll share it with you....... K? I go back to your BLOGGS ....way back ... AND I RE-READ them....depending on which day it is i'm re-reading, I can make myself SMILE~ CRY ~BE THANKFUL or Feel my saviors get my drift? yup! that's my secret~ It's ~YOU~!!Baby Girl!Ta! Da!
Your my secret weapon to my being able to FEEL~even if it's a BIG TOE~ G~Nite~ and take care you =) XOXO
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