Today was a lovely sunday...chad said he did okay thru the night..jon said he woke up pretty much every hour he felt like..they did move him from side to side every 2 hours to keep from getting any bed sores and keep him from being stiff at night..chad said he ate a big breakfast and then konked out! family started arriving..he felt like he needed to entertain...i kept telling him to just take a 10 minute nap and he'll feel better..knowing he'd sleep longer then the 10 minutes!! which he did!! it was fun to have family around..that patio thing makes it SO nice to have everyone there!
russell and jordan farrer came to give us the sacrament..which is always a special thing to have done for our family - its a very spiritual and moving experience- thanks guys!
the girls got to come in again this was interesting to note how involved anna was..she was so cute..rachel of the walls as USUAL! looking for whatever there is fun to eat or play with..sarah was her typical mother hen self..and becca singing ring around the roses and falling down was fun..then i drove home with the 2 older kids in my car, bonnie had my 2 younger ones in her van, and kevin had his 2 kids in his car..we all carpooled home -
i got home and got the girls to bed...i folded some laundry that i had in the dryer..which is ALWAYS nice to do..makes my life feel a little more normal and like what it use to consist of...then i came downstairs and opened the fridge- its SOOOO CLEAN!!!!!!!!! im guessing bonnie did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i then opened the freezer and same thing!!!!!!! i cant believe it!! how very very very nice!!!!
i just have to take a minute and publically thank kevin and bonnie garrick for what they have done..first they stayed with my girls here at the house when jon took me to brazil for 17 days..then we asked them again to watch our kids while he and i were going to attend that soon as she heard..they came right away and said they would stay here indefinatly...right now they are living with his mom while they wait for an apartment to open up in the tustin they say they are "homeless" anyway right INCREDIBLY generous of them to do this for our family..its NO easy task in any way what so ever..we will forever be indebted to these two individuals..they are both just like jon and i..calm, collective..easy going..low voices..everything i'd want for my SO thankful!!! the truly have the light of Christ with them at all times...something thats important to have for my children to experience and remember while jon and i are not home for them..if anyone can ever help kevin and bonnie out here at the home..would be SO helpful to me and im sure them ...since right now they are doing the hardest part!
its SO hard to do this balancing there for jon, be there for the girls, be there for things around the house, and be there for business stuff..i now know how jon felt the past 10 years!!! when your working on something..your feeling guilty about the other 3 things..its that balancing act that i will continue to work on to find..and that is why im SO thankful that kevin and bonnie are there to make one of those things easier on me..i NEVER have to worry about my kids in anyway because i know they are being well taken care of..and my girls LOVE bonnie and kevin!
today was kind of a hard day for me..sometimes i just wish life was the way it "use" to be..a few nights ago i was typing up the blog..and someone had knocked on the door..i just didnt have it in me to go answer it and chit chat with whoever was there..then i heard the door opened..i thought well maybe its just someone from r/s dropping off a meal and they'll just put it in the i just kept on typing..then i heard someone walking down my hall towards the office here and i heard keys..i thought for 2 that sounds like what jon use to sound like..walking down the hall..shaking his keys and then hitting the bathroom for a pit stop before coming into the office..the person turned the corner and it was my friend russell..i of course KNEW it wasnt jon..but it was nice to think that it was for those 2 seconds..
jon only sat up in the chair for a couple of hours today..they say that its like 3 steps forward and one step back..this was just one of those step back days..i ask that you keep praying for him to be acclimated with the chair..he's eating SO MUCH better now! im so happy about that!!!
i also want to ask that no one call the hospital room..jon is usually asleep and then the phone keeps ringing..PLEASE only call my cell parents the Roberts have the #, the Hales have the #, you can call my home to get the #..but please do not call that room itself..the phone is SUPER loud and keeps waking him up...thanks for understanding...
jon has such tremendous faith right now..i do as well..we firmly believe miracles HAVE happened and WILL happen...we have always tried to live our lives in such a manner to be worthy of such miracles...we only hope that Heavenly Father feels the same way..
he is SOOOOO determined!! we've met person after person...who was in a similar accident..and are in wheel chairs..or cant move much of anything..jon is just determined as ever to do all that he can to be whole again...with Heavenly Fathers help..we believe he can...
i do terribly miss my dear jon...i miss his outrageously tight hugs...his tender kiss..the warmth of his hand..the way he blows his nose so loud in the morning which wakes me up! everything..i just miss everything...i think this weekend..we'll have to do some sort of "date" thing..its important, now more then ever, to keep our relationship strong..i'll have to think of something we can do..maybe just eat together quietly alone..and play a game..or watch a even like to just be able to lie right next to him...i know he's very worried about me..and keeps telling me to tell him when its too hard..i seem to find myself it could be SO MUCH WORSE!!!! i truly believe that Christ lived and many miracles happened..and Christ STILL lives this very day and miracles STILL happen this very day- that has never changed and never will..i have no doubt in my mind..all i have to do is look at jon...he's my evey sense of the did i get to be so lucky..its just a testimony to me that as we choose righteousness..and make righteous choices..we are literally bless for them...and that my jon is my literal blessing...i love him and will forever
2 years ago
Christina, you're absolutely right. Miracles do happen and we thank you for giving us a running account of them in Jon's case. Today in Relief Society we updated everyone about your blog and fortunately I could remember the URL to write it up on the chalkboard. I noticed a lot of sisters copying it down. We also passed around new sign-up sheets to take care of meals, groceries, midweek breaks for Bonnie, and homework help. In Young Womens, they passed around a sign-up sheet so that each Saturday night there would be two young women available to watch the six kids free-of-charge so Bonnie and Kevin can get a night out. Be assured we are in this for the duration, however long (or short) it may prove to be, because we love you and Jon and your family. You are both a real inspiration! Love, Tanya
Hi Christina and Jon
Just to let you know that the Brooks family is praying for you. We've been concerned since we heard about Jon's accident the day it happened. The girls have been inquiring and I will send them this blog site that Nancy gave me today.
Just know that there is a wider circle than you know silently wishing you well.
Michele Brooks
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