Monday, March 06, 2006

new ideas for FHE!

SO we attended our adult session of stake conference friday nite after we hit the Mexican Kitchen for dinner YUM!!
They talked to us about missionary work, and focused on senior couples serving and now is the time to prepare for that- not to wait till "were old" is the time to study, prepare our finances, work on our health and staying in shape, etc..
they also handed those that were attending that nite the missionary book "Preach my Gospel"..they had worked it out so that it could give you 52 lessons using just that book! i was SOOO excited!! so now i have my year's worth of fhe lessons all PLANNED OUT!!!
they said they wanted us to use this book as much as we could so that by the time our sons and daughters were serving missions..this book would be like the back of their hand essentially..they would really truly know and understand the gospel before they even entered the MTC which is what happens sometimes.. we sometimes tend to know the "surface" of the Gospel..but not the good ol' meaty stuff! atleast thats my case!!!!!!!!
i started tonite as our first nite- its great! its only a few short paragraphs and has scriptures that go along with that excited to share!
they also talked that fhe, family scripture and prayer are the things that are REALLY going to hold a family together in this day and age..that is SOOO true!! i totally believe that!! they also encouraged us to not use fhe as "family time" or to go see johnny play his basketball game..but to make it spiritual..back in the old days..the children would gather around their father as he would ask them questions about their lives and how they were doing and talk a bit about spiritual matters..they told us that that just doesnt happen quite like it use maybe with this book with its 52 weeks will inspire us to do so...
you can also make the lessons age appropriate which is nice!!
anyway- those are my thoughts this weekend...we had stake conference via satelliate with pres. monson speaking it was SO good of course! in our area the satelliate went out due to a solar flare..we joked with jons parents that actually what HAPPENED was pres. hinkely came on and announced the 2nd coming - we were more righteous so we got to get an actual date!! so funnY!!


Amie said...

I have heard really good things about the Preach my Gospel book too. I bought it but have delved in yet. A lady in our ward is studying it for her personal scripture study and studied the first 11 pages for 2 months. I should ask her where she is now.

Our stake is advising us to make it a family night - like the WHOLE night, hours - not just a quickie lesson and treat and then separate for the rest of the night.

Thanks for the tips, that's a great idea for family night.

Christina said...

dang im not sure i could do a WHOLE hours long nite!!!! i enjoy the 30 minutes we do with a treat!

Jill said...

I hadn't thought of using that for family night, great tip thanks.

What's up with the whole night? Isn't after dinner till they go to bed (1.5 hours) enough?

Christina said...

thats what im thinking?!?!? we have dinner at 6pm..then we all help do dishes together as a family..then we start fhe at 7..and were done by 730ish..then its time to get ready for bed! i check out from mommytime at 8!!!

Chelsea said...

The outline they gave you for 52 weeks, is it available online or easy to get?...we would love to do that. There's so much info in there. We use it for family FHE's once a month with Michael's siblings (so only 12 lessons a year, which is hard) ... sounds great for weekly FHE though

Christina said...

ya i can make a copy and email it to you..its SO nice that its broken up into smaller sections then trying to make 12 lessons last all year cuz theres SO much to cover!!!

Amie said...

Will you send the schedule to me too? Thanks!

becca said...

Hey, me too!!! My email address is! Thanks Christina!

everything pink! said...

Hi. Jill's friend. I would love a copy as well. my email.
I have all girls too and love hearing someone else talk about their girls serving missions.
love your blog.

Christina said...

oh wow! i felt popular when i saw that my posts got up to 9!!! too funny!!
okay ill scan it now and get it emailed to everyone..