Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day at the Hales!

Valentines Day at the Hales! Here is a picture of the gorgeous flowers jon and the girls picked out for me along with cards from everyone and a box of chocolates YUM! i decorated the table with paper plates..but i drew a heart on the plate and wrote i love you and then added pink sprinkles to it..then i put a clear plate on top of it so it would show thru and it was safe to eat on..i also put hearts on their plastic cups...with 4 little ones- not good with china! so this was the next best thing i could think of!! you can also do this with just a photograph under the clear plate..so many possibilites! i know jill - arent you soooo excited!!! ANOTHER great crafty idea! gosh maybe i am crafty afterall!?!?!? there is also a photo of the homemade strawberry pie that i make..its SUPER easy and non cook friendly!! i take graham pie crust, cut up 2 small packs of strawberries, add the filling (which they sell next to the strawberries) then poof - strawberry pie! my girls think im AMAZING!!


Jill said...

I'm so happy to see some pictures, there's nothing like a visual to bring a blog alive. I'm also impressed with your crafty spread. You claim not to be creative and yet there you are decorating like a pro. Amusing and fun. Thanks for sharing.

Amie said...

Cute idea Chris! It's kind of fun to make Valentine's a family affair!