Today is Sunday, i am now at Celene's house preparing for sushi dinner..actually celene and jon are preparing for sushi dinner!! jons parents will come at we have a while to eat...
Church was good..i did find the lost lonely shoe! so thats a great start! we got everyone ready and out the door and on time - amazing!! It was testimony meeting..i felt like i needed to get up and go.. of course i did the whole "well if nobody else gets up then i'll go" which never happens because we have SO MANY people..but OF COURSE today right at the end it got slow and NO ONE was going so i thought dangt..guess ill go then! so i walked CLEAR from the back row to the front ...a man got up right before me and i said oh see..i could have just stayed in my seat!! oh well... i gave my testimony about the word "remember"..the man before spoke a little about that and how the BOM has 527 times it says the word remember...i talked about how that word is very important..and that we need to "remember" how we feel when we feel the spirit, or read our scriptures, enter the temple..etc..we also need to remember sometimes why we married our spouse and what that day was like...because sometimes we are in a fight with our spouse..but if we "remember" how we felt about our spouse that day..things would change...i also spoke about the oprah show i had watched about the ebersoll family..and how they lost their child in an airplane crash..and she had said she was catholic but not really..she believed their was a God, but that was about it..she didnt have any relationship with him though..but after this accident..she knows for sure who God is and what her relationship is with him..and that she said "we are not human beings having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual beings having human experiences" and i furthered that thought with the concept of "rememberance" and that if we remember that will make our journey different for us...
it was pretty neat! i had people coming up to me and hugging me and saying that it really touched them...
well becca's ready for me to hold her now!
2 years ago
I couldn't get on to the blog site all weekend.. i loved reading about yours... you life is so fun!! i am so jealous you went to the beach.. tell celene and the hales.. hi..
Hey i am not sure where i write you back... to your questions.. yes that is my hubby's tummy.. i tried to cut it out.. and Lake Elsinore...
sushi!?! how fun to get together with the Hales! enjoyed your thoughts from your testimony
Impressive that you can speak off the cuff like that...I never say anything worthwhile and then when I sit down I remember all the coherent thought!
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