Friday, February 03, 2006

FRIDAY!! 2/3/06

today is friday! ya!! i got back from walk/runnning..i ran a little farther so thats a bonus! im on my way out the door to get everyone loaded up into the truck to head for the beach..its hot here so it should be great!!!
jons in LA for a couple of meetings for the business..i imagine he'll be calling me shortly to tell me how they went...
well off we go! hopefully ill get a little color!! cuz i need it!! one of my fav amie lines "tan fat people are WAY cuter then white fat people" - I LOVE THAT!!!!!!


Amie said...

How was the beach? Tan fat IS cuter than white fat!!! We are definitely in the white slump here!!!! Anxiously awaiting spring!

Christina said...

the beach was GREAT my girls kept saying this is the best place EVER! i had to laugh because these older boys 15-18 were testing out the water and i overheard them say..its not bad..its a little ICY!!
so i asked my girls.hey hows the water..and they said oh its totally warm!! i have wierd kids! die hard beach goers i guess??!! and they were SERIOUSLY in the water..not just toe touching but literally in it..actually they were acting like animals (lions as of lately-cute when your 3 NOT when your almost 9 though!!) in the water..