Looks like I will no longer have a Life in a few weeks -and here's why. THANKFULLY all these activities are literally within 1 minute of my house!
Rachel will be on the High School Track Team as a sprinter--the girl is freakishly FAST!
This is her head coach "Coach Corona":
and this is her specialized Sprint coach "Coach Jones":
SUPER GREAT COACHES! This should be a GREAT season for her-Im anxious to get it started and ACTUALLY SEE HER RUN for reals.
Sarah will start Spring Softball. She tried out last night-NAILED IT! This was her official tryout number. They had to catch two fly balls and throw to second base. Then move to short stop and catch two grounders and throw to first base. This girl can throw from center field to home plate. She did that very play in winter ball and got the girl out-all 5 of her coaches were like WHAT THE SMACK!??!? super fun.
Then she had to hit 4 balls and run on the 4th ball that came. She walked up to the plate, got in her "stance" and ALL of the new coaches that were drafting said "WOAH!!" Most girls kind of go up there and are a little dainty-but not Sarah. She's for real. This photo isnt of Sarah-but was pretty much Sarah's stance.
She doesnt mess around! Her first time EVER playing a sport was winter softball. She knew nothing of the game. She had AMAZING coaches that took her under the wing. They all kept saying "Sarah has NO IDEA how athletic she is--she's like every coaches dream!" ---they get their athletic build from Robert their grandpa. They are lucky to be so strong.
Anna strangely wants to do Karate!?
She is my dainty, always dressed with perfect accessories, always reading, always behaving, girly girl. I have no idea why she wants to do Karate-but alrighty then!
Lastly Becca didnt want to be left out and will be starting floor gymnastics.
Is that photo not SCARY or WHAT!?
So as you can see-the next three months with all this going will F.L.Y. our life by.
But I can look forward to this
come May 6th-13th!
I earned a free trip to Hawaii all expenses paid-flights, hotel, food and entertainment. SHAZAM. We havent decided if it will just be myself & Jon (we've already been to Maui pre accident), or us and the four girls (the girls have never been) OR me and my four close girlfriends for our annual girls weekend-only it will be a girls WEEK. We'd LOVE to take all four girls--so that is our goal. We will see if we can make it happen-flights are SO EXPENSIVE then times four, get another hotel room-it all adds up.
Either way--I will be ready to R.E.L.A.X and do N.O.T.H.I.N.G on a beach in Hawaii!
1 year ago
Holy Hannah! That is awesome! Way to go on winning the trip! I am massively jealous!
Way to go for all the girls and their sports! Blake runs track and did well and he is very anxious to get his knee healed so that he can start training. Our track starts in April thankfully so he will have plenty on time to be ready.
A couple of my kids want to do karate but all of the places here want a 1 yr commitment through summer and all and I am not willing to do that. We do nothing during the summer.
Hey....I was soooo happy to see that you are blogging again!! I've followed your blog since the accident and I was sad when it seemed that you had completely changed to facebook. You are such a talented writer and your sense of humor is awesome. I know you will treasure all the blog entries you've made over the years!
Have fun living in the car as you stay busy driving the girls around to all their activities!
BTW...Rachel is an amazing girl...her post about her dad says it all! She is a beautiful light in an ever increasing dark world.
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