Monday, January 16, 2012

Goals, changes & date nights

Last Sunday afternoon Jon had PPI's with each girl. They went over their goals for 2012. Jon had them write them down and hang on fridge. I then took a photo snap of each one, printed it up at Walgreens and now they are hanging on our "to do list" wall. I love that they can see them and keeps tabs on how they are doing. At dinner Jon will ask "So how is everyone doing on their goals?!" Suddenly the girls start hugging one another, or saying a nice thing. Whatever works.
Here's Rachels:

Here's Sarah's:

Here's Anna's:

Here's Becca's:

Having our "to do list" thing on our wall-seriously FABULOUS!

Jon had to prepare a talk on Sunday-which meant on Saturday evening, I had to keep all of the girls out of the house. The older two went to a friends house (because our Stake Dances are kind of lame here) so I took the younger two on a date. MEXICAN FOOD!

This GIANT garnish was on Becca's plate-she asked " I suppose to eat this?!"

Seriously-who doesn't look at this photo and get a tinsy bit twitter paited!?

I've been doing SO GOOD with eating well thanks to this

I use it in my protein shake for breakfast, have a snack, then repeat for lunch, have a snack then enjoy a yummy dinner. Down 3lbs my first week. Whoo hoo!

Rachel has start HS Track (she's doing sprints.) She has been running sprints everyday all last week. Between early 6am seminary, training in Volleyball after HS, and then immediately into sprinting for an hour with She said she just wore sweats to school all week and her hair in a ponytail. So when she decided to go out Friday night she got "dressed up." Now if you know my Rachel SHE IS SUCH A TOMBOY--but I love her girly side coming through!

We are excited to see how she does in Track. So far she's placing first every sprint. My older two girls ask "Why did we get stuck with Grandpa Hales' legs?!" Now they know why--they are athletes.

I dont know how you are about your Ward Church Xmas parties-but I could TOTALLY enjoy staying home and skipping the whole thing. I'm thinking next year-Im good with each family bringing a plate of cookies, we serve hot cocoa and then we go home. Over and done in 60 minutes! My sister Heidi is The over the top kind of people. I like that I can enjoy (and slightly make fun of) from afar. She did her ward Xmas party and texted me a photo.

I mean seriously-for reals?! She built that thing-did everything-even had a play with Jacob in it. I am SO THANKFUL for people like Heidi-so I can sit back and well-do nothing.


Amber said... do you build a train like that? My brain can't even begin to fathom that, and it actually gives me serious anxiety thinking about it. I'm obviously not from her tribe.

Everyone had to LEAVE the house for Jon to write the talk? That's serious, and yes, the food looks mighty tasty.

Melinda said...

Holy Crap! Are you kidding me? That train is crazy!! I need that for our Young Womens activity next month. Can she mail it to me? Ha! I wish.

I love the ppi with the kids. We do something similar but it needs to be more spcific and regular.

Melinda said...

Oh, and I hate ward parties. It's fine for socializing but parents view it as a free for all for their kids to run like crazy around the church which drives me crazy and I don't do pot lucks.

Amie said...

I'm glad you are posting again. It is nice to see more of what is going on at your house.

We skipped our ward party this year. Well actually, James went alone. Yes, I am one of those kind of parents. It was at 8am on a Saturday!