Sunday, August 06, 2006


Today is Sunday..its always nice to go to church and rejuvenate yourself! We got up and the Kennedy's came to get the girls ready while I got jon ready for church- this is the 2nd day he's gone without his long white socks- they were used for his blood pressure so that he wouldnt faint- SO NICE that he doesnt have to wear those ALL DAY LONG!! so this is improvement!!!
We made it to church and for the sacrament- it was fast and testimony today - it was great to hear members of the ward share their feelings about the Gospel..alot of families are moving and it was neat to hear from some of them too..
Our home teacher came - Sheldon-and gave a great lesson to our family..we're thankful to have a Home Teacher that takes his calling seriously and does what he can for our family..
Well one more hour and we leave for DINNER!! im STARVING-oops i mean im FASTING!!

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