Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday-Labor Day..

Well today is Monday Labor Day- its been a while since I've written. Not much new is happening. We got our Sales worked out and things mailed out - phone calls will soon be made- so were excited about the progress being made in that area. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Health wise jon seems to be doing a little better. He's not so nauseated like he was before. He does infact have a UTI and so he just finished taking all of his meds for that. So i will need to take another sample in to make sure its cleared up. His indwelling cath seemed to be COMPLETELY clogged with crystal like substance throughout the entire tub- so he wasnt draining at nite leading him to dysreflexia. We took it in to have a sample taken to figure out what that was as well.

The referral has been sent over to Rancho Los Amigos so we are waiting word to see if Jon can get an evaluation which alone cost 900! crazy!! The insurance did infact deny it which we figured was going to happen anyway.

This week Im hoping to clear out the rest of the big garage and get the 3rd car garage stuff into the big garage. I managed to clean half of it myself. I have it pretty organized to begin with so Im in good shape. I have someone who will be able to help me get that finished so thats exciting! We're getting it ready to put in gym equipment for jon so he can be working out everday vs just 3 times a week.

Im not sure what our plans are today- nothing really. Just keeping it low key.

The girls go back to school tomorrow and Anna starts preschool-so that will be nice!

Well thats about it from us- enjoy your labor day!

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