Interesting title huh- today is 3;16 jons injury date. Today is filled with mixed emotions from our entire family. Right at this time 11am is when I received the call from sheldon about jon. Its still on our answering machine. I just cant seem to delete it. Im not sure why? But im not ready to delete it yet. I'll never forget Celesta rushing to my side to help me get thru this. I'll never forget getting into her car rushing to the Hospital. I'll never forget the phone call to jons father and then to my father. I cant imagine getting a phone call like that about their son. I'll never forget waiting what seemed like forever for the helicopter to land. I'll never ever forget what it sounded like. What it looked like to see so many many people meeting the helicopter to pull jon out and take him inside.
I will never ever ever forget Jons first words to me-"Im so sorry." That is Jon in every sense of the word. Never worried about him-but ALWAYS about others. I'll never forget the tears in his eyes as I looked at him. He looked so handsome! He had no tubes, no scratches, nothing. You would have never known he had something SO MAJOR, SO LIFE CHANGING as he layed their perfectly still.
I will never forget walking away and overhearing 2 doctors say "What happened to him?" and then to hear the other doctor say "Flipped over motorcycle. Basically Superman." It was in those silent moments, all by myself -I knew. Yet I still couldnt believe THAT was going to be MY Jon.
I'll never forget having so many family rush to meet us and be by our side, for their son and for me. I'll never forget waiting in the waiting room during surgery. I'll never forget everyone that was in the room with us. I'll never forget when the surgeon came in to explain to us Jons new life and to prepare ourselves. I just remember sitting there stunned and crying.
Here we are today one year later. He's home with his family. He's MUCH more mobile the the doctors said he would be. He's on medication to help keep his pain levels down and not constantly so high. He's got a regular morning routine with a WONDERFUL caregiver/nurse that we literally prayed to get here. She is PERFECT! We're so grateful! He's found project walk that will again change his life. Im home more with the girls to continue to bring and keep stability in their lives. We've got amazing help from our families with countless, countless service they do for our family. We have an amazing ward that has provided countless acts of service for our family. We have amazing friends that do so much. One that continues to come nightly to strectch jon-EVERY NITE!
Our family has come a long long longggg way. We have all learned many things about ourselves and eachother. Jon is an amazing man. He has to work SO HARD EVERYDAY for the littlest things. I think back to when he couldnt even lift a spoon to feed himself, and now he can. I think back to when he couldnt even get out of bed and now with my help he can. I think back to when he was constantly passing out on me, and now thats improved. So much of him has improved!!
Thank you to all of you that constantly think of our family, serve our family, have given money to our family. We wouldnt have made it thru this year without everyone. We have been very blessed this past year. We are so grateful. Heavenly Father is watchful of our family. He has helped us in so many ways. We have much hope for the future and what it holds for us. We will continue to live and discover the many many lessons to learn thru this. We look forward to the day when our family will be together forever and each of us whole and healthy. We look forward to the day when our blessings for being patient, long suffering, and humble will be received in the eternities. It gives us hope. It gives us strength. Its pure and simple.
On to the next year of more improvement and as Jon would say -Rock on!
2 years ago
Jon 3:16 huh? that is interesting.. that was such a good post.. hard one to write I bet. What a crazy last year you guys have had.. and what blessings have come to you and your family. I hope that this next year continues to improve for all of you.
Keep on keeping on!
Your words are amazing to read. So uplifting. Even for just my little family, my husband & I. I am constantly amazed my your families strength. Thank you for sharing your words with us everyday.
such a great post. thankyou for being so uplifting to all of us. you amaze me that you are so strong after what you have to go through everyday!!! youre a good woman!!!
Thank you for sharing those wonderful words with us. You are a great strength to many of us. I am so impressed with how far Jon has come in this year and how strong you and your family is. You're amazing!!!!
What a beautiful and uplifting post. I hope that the next year will bring much improvement for your husband. You are an amazing woman!!
WOW a year.
What a great post. I have been thinking about you weekend.
Lots of HUGS
I am soo humbled by your family.. how amazing all of you are. You really have come a long way. Thanks for the glimpse to the past, I know the future will continually get better. Keeping my prayers with you!
it's amazing to thing that it has been a year! i can take myself back when i first heard the newsa nd i know exactly how i felt as an outsider looking in. I was amazed at the courage and determination back then and i am still in aw one year later.
By you and your family sharing your story I have become a different person. My testimony has been strengthened, my relationships values and my love for life increased! Forever you will be a go to piler of hope and encouragement. I can't see myself ever forgetting the lessons I have learned from hearing your story and witnessing your struggles and accomplishments!
I only wish the best for you! I feel honored to know you in this small way! please find happiness in knowing of all the good that you have shared with so many!
What a beautiful Blog Christina. Such power and passion you have for life. Such introspection. Your so right when you said well meet on the other side all healthy and Whole....and True happiness will abound,a true joy beyond all others. We here on earth are so taunted by the things of "this" world. Youv'e done SO well,Youv'e Just Done...And never given up on life that wonderful part of the fathers plan...L-I-F-E-You ..Yes You Christina are Walking for Jon ...Like the story of the 2 foot prints in the sand...and then there were one set of prints...YOURS my friend..With such passion and perservierance-And With Love of SOUL,Heart and Mind. Gosh just thinking of YOU gives me goose bumps,and a warm aahh Mmmm. Thank you for this past year of sharing,caring giving and perservering...and for your Light of Christ--Hence your Mane CHRISTina-Love you and your sweet family xoxo always!Ah-men and ah-men. :)
Reading your post made me cry...I realized how precious life and our families are to us....It's important to keep a vision of eternity...I enjoy reading your blog, be strong, you have wonderful family members and friends who love you.
Lydia Brady
so well written. thank you for teaching us so many life lessons.
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