Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break ING & reflect ING!

It was sooooooooooo nice to not wake up and shuffle kids out for school all week!

Monday: We hit 2 movies at the $2 theatre.
Tuesday: Took all four girls to the mall - Rachel bought herself more Vans, Sarah purchased her FIRST pair.
Wednesday: Beach at Corona Del Mar
Thursday: Bowling
Friday: Rented movies via Red Box (LOVE that thing!)
Saturday: Hiking in the hills

So looks like we had a good week of Spring-the weather was PERFECT total summer like.

As I went to bed Saturday night, I was reflecting on my week. Does anybody else do this? I think about the times I came up "short" in the motherhood department. I find myself saying, I could have done this better, that better, played more games with them, talked to them more etc etc etc etc ETC. Then I found my thoughts going towards "HELLO this is Satan's sharpest tool for mothers--to make us feel like we aren't doing a "good enough" job!

I realized that at this point, if I can get them to:

clean up their rooms everyday after school -JOB WELL DONE!
(I have to LITERALLY go up everyday to "check & pass it off")

brush their teeth- JOB WELL DONE!
(I have to LITERALLY smell their breath-that should win me a gold medal huh!)

read the scriptures with us and PAY ATTENTION-JOB WELL DONE!
(we are using this GREAT book that goes along with the scriptures)

pray as a family/personal prayers-JOB WELL DONE!
(we do this with Jon each night usually in our room)

spend one on one time-JOB WELL DONE!
(each Sunday we call them in one by one oldest to youngest, we ask them how their week went, is there anything they are struggling with, need help with, want our help with etc--they LOVE this & are surprisingly very open and honest)

My Patriarchal Blessing states "You will have noble children." THE PRESSURE!!! Maybe this is why I find myself reflecting & worrying that I keep coming up short to this. But I am reminded time and time again-Satan will do ANYTHING to wreck my family-including paralyzing Jon.



Amber said...

I totally do breath checks every morning, and at least half the time they have to redo it. Ugh. The smells and nastiness Mom's suffer through!!

Noble Children? How lucky can you get? My PB told me that children will be a source of challenge to me. I have never wanted children since that moment in March, 1990, but since I had them, you can see how true it is. And you know it's gonna get much worse!

Melinda said...

I have this same conversation with my friends all the time. Satan knows that if he can break the moms he breaks the family. We have to get past all of the bad thoughts he puts in our heads about our mothering and keep going.

Glad you had such a fun spring break. It made me very ready for summer. Only 6 1/2 weeks left!

donna said...

i so agree. So many times i lay in bed thinking about the day, I making a list of everything i could of done better, So glad i am not the only Mother that does that.

Lauralee said...

AMEN! It is totally true that Satan uses discouragement- I fall in that trap sometimes-
You are an incredible mom Christina- you know I totally look up to you- I am sure a lot of people do! love your routines- too- thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments, Christina. I so enjoyed being able to see inside your thoughts and to feel your determination. Love, Sandra