For quite a while now I have had PREPARE on my mind a LOT lately. Not sure if it is because of our situation with Jon's injury? Our lack of income for FOUR LONG YEARS NOW? The constant earthquakes we keep having or the BIG one everyone else keeps having?!
One night I felt prompted to get a tubbermaid container and spend a FHE night having the girls get an old pair of sneakers, socks, jeans & a tshirt. We put our clothes into that tubbermaid container and put it in the cupboard upstairs in the hallway. One of my fears is, we have an earthquake in the middle of the night-we are all shoeless & me stuck in my religious wear!!
We may never need that tubbermaid in that certain spot. But maybe I just needed to follow that little prompting?
We also have a large rolling trash can that has 6 72 hour back pack kits complete with water, food, toilet paper, pad of paper, pens, wipes, cup, shampoo, soap, deodorant etc etc etc. This past FHE we pulled them out took inventory & then I purchased all new food. Kinda of funny-I THOUGHT it had only been a "couple" of years--my bad. We looked at the yummy crackers and carmel--um OOOPS it WAS ORIGINALLY crackers and cheese!! nasty.
This General Conference the girls will get to eat the oh so yummy emergency food and replace it with fresh food (obviously minus the "carmel & crackers!").
Within this large rolling trash can we have LOTS of supplies like flash lights, batteries, solar blankets, first aid kit, portable radio, tools, maps, 2 binders with TONS of emergency information, mask, even a bucket (cuz ya know someone may need to go potty!) etc etc etc. ALL of these things PLUS the 6 72 hour kit backpacks fit neatly into the rolling trash can. It's kinda like our "covered wagon!"
Again, we may never need these 72 hour kits. But we have felt prompted to take it seriously. Maybe once again, it's just about us being obedient to the promptings we feel for our own family.
Of course NOTHING brings as much comfort as being SPIRITUAL PREPARED! We were AGAIN having another lesson on being prepared. It was geared more towards "spiritually." I didnt quite FEEL LIKE my girls were "grasping the concept." I felt prompted yet again to be frank with them. Before I knew it, these words, sentences and thoughts came flying out of my mouth before I could edit! I turned to Rachel (almost 13) and said "Rachel, what if we had a serious earthquake and EVERYBODY died but you. Would you be spiritual strong enough to take care of yourself? To move on with your life? To get on your knees and ask for help? To know that Heavenly Father is with you even though your family was not?" Jon whipped his nervous eyes right over to me with the look of "ARE YOU JOKING ME?!?! What in the world!?"
We talked about this. We spent time discussing this. Things were "grasped."
Lastly, we all know that in the end, if we are having a major fire or earthquake-Jons rules are to "Save Yourselves & Let Me Be!" --lovely huh.
1 year ago
Thanks for your post. A good wake-up reminder. I think we need to get out our 72 hours kits :) and I love the lesson on being spiritually prepared...powerful
Jason and I have been on this same page. We updated everything. I like the rolling trash can idea to put everything in it though. We figure we will bungee everything to the four wheelers and dirt bikes and head for the hills.
Such important things... (did you open those flashlights? I see them in the photo in the plastic....just wondering!)
Times are scary. we do need to be prepared in ALL areas...our testimonies do need to be super strong, poor Rachel, but really- that is a great conversation to have. Christina you are awesome.. I would have a hard time saving myself and kids and waiting on my husband... I need to use the garbage can idea.. our 72 hr kits are in the garage but not super handy.. I have a change of clothes and blankets for everyone in the van.. but that garbage can would be handy.
Good Job! I am going to go through our stuff, too. With toddlers, they grow out of clothes so fast that they MUST be replaced each conf. and then they never wore them. Lame. Our food was pretty gross, too, and they wouldn't touch it, because easter is tomorrow and they would rather wait for the good stuff! ha! that tune will change w/ a real disaster! And we tell the boys all the time they would have to be a man of the house if something happened to Shawn, or me, etc. Sobering.
Before we were hit by a huge hurricane I had updated most of my supplies and was soooo thankful that I needed only a few things from the store to be totally prepared for the storm that left us without power for 2 weeks. With hurricanes you have some warning but the store shelves empty super quick so if you are not prepared you can find yourself empty handed.
Following your promptings brings peace!
I love the trash can idea! Thanks!!
Great post!! Being prepared brings peace. It's time for us to update our supplies again so thanks for the reminder!
Cristina...whoops...I sent the second comment because I failed to see that all comments need blog owner approval...I thought I'd lost my original comment...yep, I'm old. Just delete the 2 extra comments.
Just want you to know that I still think you are one of the most incredible women I have ever "known". I can't believe it's been four years since I read your post on the MC boards saying that Jon had had a terrible accident and that your life would be changed forever. Thanks for sharing your's truly inspiring...YOU are an inspiration and a fine example of strength, wisdom and courage. are such a great mother! I love reading your posts about your children and their funny comments or messy rooms...okay, I better finish up here...hugs!
wonderful post! I need to get busy on our 72 hour kits! Thanks for being a great example.
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