So a few weeks ago (I am sadly JUST now remembering to write this down), we were at Todd & Celene's house celebrating Todd getting SUPPPPPPERRR old (he's 3 months older then me...dang!). Celene is always SO sweet to save me ALL of Anika's clothes (their only daughter) and give them to Anna & Becca to wear. Seriously-what a great blessing!
So Celene gets the bag of clothes out of the closet and the conversation goes like this:
Anna: "Oh I can help!"
Aunt Celene: "Um, it's really pretty heavy sweetie."
Anna: "It's okay-I work out."
Anika: "Oh you work out, me too-what gym do you go to?"
Ummm HELLO--how funny is THAT! These girls are 7 & 8!!!!! Cracks me up--
Nothing super exciting going on in our Family here--just staying caught up with LIFE. I am SO grateful Jon is here to help me with FOUR KIDS doing homework-good heavens. He is incharge of Rachel & Anna-to make sure it's completed, done correctly & goes on the school website to make sure all their homework assignments match up. I am incharge of Sarah & Becca-same drill. It really is a LOT of work to make sure everyone is on task and it gets completed--as they get older they get WAY more work. And I will have to say Kindergarten is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY hard now!!!!!!!
On Tuesdays-I take the girls to the library to get a weeks worth of reading. (During bedtime quiet time-they have 30 minutes to color or read). I had got a LOOT full of books--i mean hello four girls EACH getting 7 books ADD's up--only i "forgot" to return a month late forgot--i figured it would be like 10 bucks--oopsies it was 92.50!!!! i KNOW can you even believe that!?!? I literally said OUTLOUD to the librarian--"wait WHAT??????????? r u just joking with me??"
She wasn't. I paid. We left.
I have been campaigning for "Mother of the Year" this year. I VOLUNTEERED at the kids elementary school on friday for TWO HOURS--i know shocking huh. Normally I am just the "paper product mom." I then VOLUNTEERED AGAIN on monday night for 2 hours--I handed out over 800 slices of pizza.
Seriously..I am a shoe in for sure.
2 years ago
$92! That's crazy!
OH my you had to pay $92. I think the most i ever paid was $10.00
Four gitls? I have three girls and I was volunteer of the Year at their school three years ago. I can give you pointers...ha ha ha. Like your writing. Plus I am banned from our local library...big fight, bad mommy.
Wow...has the library become the local IRS? Sheesh...that was a chunk of change!
yeah, those library fees are outta control... go to your DI bin the next time it is at the stake and rifle through the books there. If you feel bad, just put them back when your girls are done!!
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