Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"What gym do you work out at?"

So a few weeks ago (I am sadly JUST now remembering to write this down), we were at Todd & Celene's house celebrating Todd getting SUPPPPPPERRR old (he's 3 months older then me...dang!). Celene is always SO sweet to save me ALL of Anika's clothes (their only daughter) and give them to Anna & Becca to wear. Seriously-what a great blessing!
So Celene gets the bag of clothes out of the closet and the conversation goes like this:

Anna: "Oh I can help!"
Aunt Celene: "Um, it's really pretty heavy sweetie."
Anna: "It's okay-I work out."
Anika: "Oh you work out, me too-what gym do you go to?"

Ummm HELLO--how funny is THAT! These girls are 7 & 8!!!!! Cracks me up--

Nothing super exciting going on in our Family here--just staying caught up with LIFE. I am SO grateful Jon is here to help me with FOUR KIDS doing homework-good heavens. He is incharge of Rachel & Anna-to make sure it's completed, done correctly & goes on the school website to make sure all their homework assignments match up. I am incharge of Sarah & Becca-same drill. It really is a LOT of work to make sure everyone is on task and it gets completed--as they get older they get WAY more work. And I will have to say Kindergarten is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY hard now!!!!!!!

On Tuesdays-I take the girls to the library to get a weeks worth of reading. (During bedtime quiet time-they have 30 minutes to color or read). I had got a LOOT full of books--i mean hello four girls EACH getting 7 books ADD's up--only i "forgot" to return a month late forgot--i figured it would be like 10 bucks--oopsies it was 92.50!!!! i KNOW can you even believe that!?!? I literally said OUTLOUD to the librarian--"wait WHAT??????????? r u just joking with me??"
She wasn't. I paid. We left.

I have been campaigning for "Mother of the Year" this year. I VOLUNTEERED at the kids elementary school on friday for TWO HOURS--i know shocking huh. Normally I am just the "paper product mom." I then VOLUNTEERED AGAIN on monday night for 2 hours--I handed out over 800 slices of pizza.
Seriously..I am a shoe in for sure.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I am Happy!

Let's start from the beginning. I am 34. I have a husband who is paralyzed from the chest down. I have four girls ages 12, 10, 7 & 5. I am TIRED, usually cranky, tend to be fake with my smiles of "everything is great!", stuck at home day in and day out, moody, gaining weight, getting little sleep or too much sleep, blacking out, having thyroid issues, no income for 3+ years, lots of people involved with my life both physically & financially. Yet, do my best to remain hopeful, upbeat & positive for the most part.

I receive an email from my dear friend David Parker. I have known him for 25+ years. He asks me to take a look at some commercial shots for his new company & give my feedback on it. I gave him my lengthy feedback & asked him what "Nuriche" is all about? He told me I "could just do some research on the website, have a look around & he'd be happy to answer any of my questions."

Great I thought! I can do that. I begin my research and immediately thought OH GEEZ is this some new MLM thing-because I am NOT interested. Then I thought, let's think about this. David Parker is a VERY reputable man. I mean he's friends with Mitt Romney-he was his top campaign fundraiser guy that made sure the money came in and went out correctly & honestly! These are the kinds of dealings that David Parker works with. He is also outrageously generous with the blessings he's been given. I know, I have been a beneficiary of his kind heart. So, I decided to look further.

After further research, I thought OH GEEZ is this some juicey juice thing!? Again, David Parker-he's not the type of man to get involved with some "latest & greatest" silly juice thing that is FLOODING the market right now-especially in utah! So, again, further research.

I researched EVERYTHING about Nuriche for 2 full days-google was my friend! I researched the people that were involved, the product itself, the company, how it is run, how the product works, testimonials from outside sources. Anything & everything I could find out about it.


To start, I LOVE that Nuriche offers a FREE 3 day sample to anyone. I LOVE that Nuriche offers up to 90 days to try the product out with a 100% money back guarantee including ship/tax/handling withOUT having to be bugged to send the product containers all back.

I LOVE that the product sells itself-either you love it or you dont! I love that I am losing weight, not feeling the munchies all the time, have good healthy energy, not needing my "3pm oprah nap". The benefits have been so positive for me!

I LOVE that the product is simple-its 30 mostly organic fruits, 30 mostly organic veggies, all my seeds, nuts, enzymes & probiotics in one shot. Nothing else added to it, it's just pure live whole food! Easy & Simple.

As far as the business side. THAT blew me away. I learned that David Parker as CEO is ONLY paying himself ONE DOLLAR per year. NEXT the top Rep is not a PERSON or group of individuals it is a CHARITY ORGANIZATION called "My Firm Foundation". For every dollar made into the company 5 cents goes to My Firm Foundation FIRST! How great is that-so as the Nuriche company gets larger, so does the amount of funds in the foundation so that we as a company will begin to help feed those in Africa with our product AND help them to start their own businesses. They will be able to purchase their product for 2 dollars and sell it for 4 dollars. THAT SPOKE HUGE TO ME!!!!!

The next step is called the Nuriche LLC. Right now there are 10 "Founders" that together they OWN the Nuriche LLC. They have personally invested their own money to hold that position. David Parker has it set up so that whether you are the FIRST Rep to join Nuriche or the millionth in 5 years from now-if you work hard and show intergrity, honesty and work ethic-you will be ASKED to be a founder as well-and will be able to OWN the Nuriche company as well-UNHEARD OF!!

Lets get back to my story for a minute now, I am still 34. I still have a paralyzed husband. I still have 4 girls to take care of. I am NOT A SALES PERSON. How could I begin to think I could even make this work???? We have had no income for 3+ years. I limit myself to a "Target trip" every OTHER month to help keep costs down. My children receive free lunches at school. I run a "fresh rescue" program with Albertsons to help feed my family everyday. I have done what I can to keep our budgets REALLY low. I am in the middle of maybe losing my house. Working with the bank to see what can be done. It's been a LONG process. There really is no way for me to get involved with this company right now-right?

WRONG!!!! I jumped ALL in--I saw the benefits I was having with the product. I saw the financial benefits that could occur and I WENT AT IT. I sit here on Facebook and send people a simple 4 minute youtube video that explains what Nuriche is & ask for their feedback. Then I offer to send them the 3 Day Sample to try it out. Then I ask them to try the product for 90 days with the 100% money back guarantee. I tell them either they will love it or they wont. Either way WE ARE TOTALLY FRIENDS!! No hard feelings ever. The product truly sells itself.

I have been involved with Nuriche for 52 days now-I will be helping to make my mortgage payments. UNBELIEVABLE!

Because of uriche the product & the business side-my whole outlook on life has changed, even my family/friends have noticed! What is out there for us if we give ourselves honest effot-believe in ourselves-believe in the products-BELIEVE IN THE COMPANY NURICHE -- you WILL SUCCEED! If I can make it happen-anyone can.

I love my family, I love my friends, I love my life. Come change YOUR life!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

On a roll...

Do you ever feel like some days or weeks or months you are on a roll?! I feel like i am "on a roll!"--life is good for me these days.

I am so grateful for the blessings that Nuriche is bringing to me and my family. To help my family be healthy and bring income-lovely. I am excited to be traveling this next weekend to SLC for the events there-and LOVE that my family can watch it from here using the new site--SO FUN!

School is going well--Rachel is enjoying Jr. High--i love my new set up--wake at 640-out the door by 655am drop her off then get to the gym with kristen by 715 and workout for an hour (30 minutes free weights/30 minutes treadmill)--then back home to shower and get myself ready for the day--drop becca off at school and FREEDOM till 3pm!

So we CUT OUR CABLE last week--HEAVEN!!! Our girls have been outside more, coloring more, drawing more, in the POOL MORE--it's been a blessing already. If there are shows we want to watch-we can get anything we want via the internet-so we can watch it on our computer or laptop or even thru our Wii-who would have thought. I love that there isnt any ENDLESS TV WATCHING anymore--and at night after kiddos were in bed and jon was done being stretched we'd stay up till midnight watching all of our DVR'd recorded shows. Now we either talk, read or my favorite JUST GO TO BED! With me getting up at the crack of dawn..Im ready to crash by 930-10pm every night. I'd like to get myself some good books to read--make a good wind down for me.

I also canned some peaches-what in the world?! first no cable, now im canning?? scary. I buy 2-4 boxes of peaches from an orchard each this year i decide i would can them. My friend in r/s let me come to her house and she taught me how-this same woman taught me how to make wheat bread as well. I think this would make a great xmas gift--a canning thingy-how sad i dont even know what its called?? geez

Jon took the 2 older girls and walked down to fresh & easy to find something to make for dinner the next two nights--why are dinner ideas ALWAYS the hardest part of cooking!? im curious to see what they bring back-he said i cant be mad of what they bring cuz i didnt give him any suggestions..oh dear. I DID however suggest to buy things to make my homemade rocky road ice cream-(atleast i know that will taste FABULOUS!)HA