Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Moving right along...

Life has just been busy (with little stuff) school almost over (on the 9th), family portraits taken, Dance Festival entire script to write (22K people are coming to see this), $3500 needed to raise to send Rachel to DC (have 2120 raised), 14 more Wicked tickets to sell, Annas Kindergarden graduation...all of this to be done before the end of the month! YIKES!!

Here are some photos of flowers i ALWAYS have in my house (usually 3 different vases filled with fresh flowers)from the food run...

its so fun to have these in our home!

Kristen's son Noah was blessed so we went to the "after party" im sure there's a MUCH MORE spiritual name for it-but you get the drift...here is a photo of a couple who knew almost all of jons family-

it was fun catching up and seeing who we all knew--The guy was Kim (Loveridge) Bytheway's best friend in HS..hmmm..wink wink!! He also knows Chris Anderton our BIL--I know both me & jon were in the photo to but we didnt look as cute so we cropped ourselves out of it!!

Here is a quick vinyl lettering that Lauralee did for me I SO LOVE IT!

Its for Annas K teacher, this is her last year (married having a baby)so we wrote all the kids names around an apple...SO CUTE!
this one is of sarah's baptism photo...again just oh so cute!

Rachel has already moved on from bfriend Cole..life of an 11 year old oh my! I knew it wouldnt last long--do they ever in the 5th grade?!??! Im just glad school is almost over so the boy drama can cease till sept!!

Life has been good..just busy!


Anonymous said...

Are you asking for money?How is Jon doing?

Rachel said...

if you would like to donate towards Rachel going to dc-that would be awesome!

Jon is doing really well!

ps: who is this?

The Mercer Family said...

Hey, about those Wicked tickets...when are they for and where? Is it a professional or high school production? hehe lol :)) I might be interested. Lemme know! hehe

Anonymous said...

Love the fresh flowers..how fun is that? I saw this one show on HGTV saying how artificial flowers are tacky and that you should just use fresh, but come on. . .who can afford that? You deserve it for the food runs...how awesome you are!

Rachel said...

Holy cow, you have your hands FULL!!!

The flowers are beautiful!

I just went out to dinner with Carrie tonight - check my blog for some fun pictures!!!

Holly said...

that's weird i thought i commented on your blog - i love the frame and flowers! sounds like things are moving right along for you guys!!!

Kim said...

of COURSE I read your post on google reader, and couldn't comment, but that's so AMAZING that you were at the same event with my friend Darren. Great guy! Small world! Love you guys! (and when IS that next trip to Utah???)