Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Father in Law...Robert Hales birthday post

Our family LOVES this man. I have always felt that Jon is the only man that I know that reminds me of Christ the most. I have the same feelings regarding Jon's Dad-Robert. He is the only man that reminds me of Heavenly Father the most. I am definately blessed because of these two people in my life.

Growing up I had ALWAYS wanted to marry someone JUST like Robert Hales. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd get to marry one of his gorgeous sons! My mom use to tell me, "always take a look at the Father of the person you are considering to marry-most likely he will be JUST LIKE HIM." This couldnt be more true!

Robert is amazing.

He & Sandra have seven children, all active in the church, all temple marriages (Mark HURRY UP! HA JK), 5 Eagle Scouts, 5 Return Missionaries, I believe all 5 were AP's, all college graduates, all happy & healthy children expanding their broods. What a blessed man huh!

Robert has a great sense of humor. There is always an understanding between he & I that where ever we are driving,

we are ALWAYS in a race. ALWAYS. The rule is that you have to get OUT of your car and RUN to the front door and THAT determines the winner. Thankfully he is MUCH older then me and I use that to my full advantage!! During race mode we sometimes take different routes thinking one way is going to beat the other person. There have been times when an ENTIRE OPEN bag of cheetos have flown ACROSS the inside of my truck as I was determined to BEAT HIM-which I did! I LOVE that when we are all traveling up to Chad's house by car, that we RACE THE ENTIRE WAY. We get our BEST speed time in once Sandra & Jon have fallen asleep. Sandra & Jon do not approve of our racing ways however. Which makes it THAT more fun for the two of us!

Robert is COMPETATIVE! (Do you see how the racing fits RIGHT in there.) Have you SEEN this man play Pollyana?? Look out. You can NOT be whimpy when playing with him.
It doesnt even matter if you are a grandchild!

I can totally hear this conversation with Katie, "Geez Dad." With Robert's usual reply "WHAT?!"
He has killed players in Pollyana-simply because it just feels so good. Love it. He has played Pollyana for DECADES that when any number comes up-he knows EXACLTY where his player is suppose to be.

It's pretty amazing actually.

HOWEVER, Robert taught me how to play Chess when I was first dating Jon.

It was our first game. I wasnt aware of this competative nature of his at this point. But I am JUST as COMPETATIVE as he is. (again, we make the best racing team!) We are about 3/4of our way thru the Chess game. I am looking at the game, my pieces, my placements, the moves I could make when suddenly I realize "hmm, if I move this ONE piece to this ONE spot-game over." I wasn't totally sure yet because I had just been taught. So I bravely asked Robert "if I move this here, does that mean I win?" SILENCE. That was all I needed-movement was made, victory was won, his pride---SHOT DOWN!!!!!!!!!! We have yet to ever play a Chess game again, nor will I EVER give him THAT opportunity.

Robert is a kind kind KIND man. I've never seen him yell at anyone, raise his voice or get upset (well except for the Frey's Electronics fiasco! which was well deserved). He is always willing to help anyone out. He is one of the most generous men I know. Without his help-we would be living in a tent, I am sure of it! I have to laugh at this one story. Jon & I had just moved into our brand new home. The backyard wasnt even in yet. We decided to dig trenches to lay pipes for a spinkler system. We called Robert the day before to ask him to come help us. "Of course!" he said. The next day comes, we are ready to start digging. Robert pulls up and says "I am here to help!" Only coming out of the car are three men he picked up from OFF THE CORNER!!!! Jon & I look at eachother and start laughing, to which Robert does his usual "WHAT?! I said I'd help!" Comedy.

Robert LOVES either Carls Jr or El Pollo Loco. During the week you can ALWAYS find him at either of these places on Chapman Avenue. They know him by name. They know his order when they see his black shiny jag pull into the parking lot.

A number 14-NO CHEESE & Medium Diet Coke.
He comes to our house every Friday and we hit Carls Jr. He LOVES

their chocolate cakes.

The poor man gets severly congested when he eats anything that has cheese, butter or chocolate in it. I mean SERIOUSLY talk about trials!!!!!!!!!! He has the LARGEST amount and array of over the counter sinus congestion mediciation of ANYONE I KNOW. Whenever we get together for dinner, we promptly tell him what he can or can't have. He just eats what he wants anyway and follows it up with drugs. It's comical.

Robert is a TRAVELING MAN! He has this ONE HAT

that literally has been AROUND THE WORLD.

He & Uncle Mike goofing off-I hear there is a photo of him as he FELL OFF this contraption.

He LOVES to vacation with all of his family. One time Jon & I went with them to Hawaii in 2000. I will never forget chowing down on our chocolate macadamia nut ice cream on a waffle cone-dreamy. Both Mark, Jon & myself turn around to see Robert wearing "the hat" with a hawaiian themed shirt, camera around his neck, black jean shorts -which up to this point doesnt sound too bad right? No, IT GETS WORSE. Let's move on down to his choice of footwear. Let me also quickly point out that he has no ability to tan his legs-ever. We gaze our eyes past his Holy Ghost legs to see black sandles with black CHURCH SOCKS! This is an image I will truly never forget.

Robert has a tradition at Christmas time to give each of us $50 to spend how we want. HOWEVER each year he likes to HIDE it in something. He has put the money in chocolate angles, See's Candy Boxes, Cans of soup, the freezer-for the 14 years Ive been in the family, 14 different ways. We LOVE IT and look forward to it each year.

Robert also has this obsession with LARGE HOOD ORNAMENTS. He drives a black Jaguar.

He doesnt want to get a BMW or a MERECEDEZ because the hood ornaments are "dinky & not manly enough". Cracks me UP!

Lastly, Robert is one spiritual GIANT. The man knows the Gospel inside & out. He once taught Gospel Essentials class & had MORE people in his class then the regular Sunday School class! I love that when he teaches anything about the Gospel, he challenges our thinking and makes US think of the answers ourselves versus him just telling us the answer to Gospel questions. He has an unwavering testimony. He is deeply connected to Heavenly Father & Christ.

My family is blessed by this wonderful man-and will continue to be blessed...well until he FINALLY FINDS his acres of land he's always wanted (he's always looking for lots of acres that we can have a Hales Compound on) and asks us to join him in bedouin tents

if THAT happens it will change EVERYTHING!

Happy Birthday Robert---we all love and adore you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's been FOUR YEARS!

This is what our schedule/life was like FOUR YEARS AGO:

March 2006
Jons Daily Schedule..

12am-Cath, rotation in bed and give meds(baclofen)
2am- rotation in bed and meds
4am-Cath and rotation in bed
6am-rotation in bed and meds
8am-Cath, rotation in bed, dressed and breakfast
10am-rotation and meds
1130am-transfer to wheelchair
12pm-pressure release for 5 minutes (meaning i have to get onto the couch and tilt his wheelchair back into my lap to relieve pressure so he doesnt get a pressure sore)
12pm-lunch and meds
1230pm-pressure release for 5 minutes and then range of motion exercises
1pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
130pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
2pm-pressure release for 5 minutes and meds
230pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
3pm-pressure release for 5 minutes and meds
330pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
4pm-cath, pressure release for 5 minutes and meds
430pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
5pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
530pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
6pm-pressure release for 5 minutes, meds and dinner
630pm-pressure release for 5 minutes
7pm-transfer back into bed and start bowel program
730pm-transfer jon onto commode chair for continued bowel program
8pm-transfer jon back onto bed, change clothes, bath, and meds
10pm-meds and rotation in bed
12am-Cath, meds and rotation in bed

so as you can see - its VERRRRY busy and LOTSSS of chaos in our life right now..mix his schedule in with him having physical therapy at the home 3 times a week and occupational therapy 3 times a week, plus 2 doctors appts which will take a total of 3 hours getting there, waiting and returning home...

i have to help with all of that AND then help the 2 older girls do their homework from 3-4pm, try my best to have rachel practice her piano each day, feed girls breakfast, lunch and dinner, make them do their chores for the day, try to keep the house quiet for jon, change diapers, get juice cups and snacks, keep an eye on jon so that he doesnt black out or pass out, constantly ask if he's okay or does he need his feet up..if he does i have to be right there to do so or ill be in a HUGE mess, feeding him, getting a drink of water when he needs it, answer the telephone, work on our business by answering phone calls, checking and responding to business emails, staying on top of our business accounting, making sure and paying all business bills on time, getting my mail each day, staying on top and paying our home bills on time, getting girls bathed and showered, teeth brushed, prayers, fhe, scripture reading each day, fighting the fires between 4 young girls each day, working with a 2 year old who SCREAMS if im not right by her side constantly, laundry, washing all of jons towels, sheets, pillowcases, clothes, as well as all of our clothes, having all the neighborhood kids constantly in and out of the house, back and forth from the backyard to the front yard, making sure becca doesnt go outside and into the street, working on getting social security to help us out- which working with the government is a NITEMARE, keeping everything filed and organized regarding jon, bills, insurance stuff, charts, medical records, social security stuff, equipment manuals, numbers for when equipment breaks down, state disability information, TRYING to find a caregiver who can help me, figuring out what im going to do for 3 of my daughters bday's coming up this month and next month, trying to prepare for 2 weddings and the hales family cruise that had already been booked and paid for before the accident occured which will all occure in the month of june and THEN wanting some alone time by myself and on the computer but too tired so i just want to go to bed instead...

so as you can life and jons life is extremely difficult right now, maybe people dont really know just how hard it is..i hope this may help you to realize when people ask "what can i do?"..that all i can say is..theres so much i dont even know where to start!

i KNOW this will get SO MUCH easier..but right now its REALLY hard and REALLLY hard on me the most right now..this is why im struggling to find a balance and help from a caregiver..because jon requires SO much ALLLL day and ALLL thru the really is a LOT of work

When Jon FIRST got hurt-the FIRST person I called after family was Sis. Rushton. The one thing she said to me that I have NEVER forgotten was "It's hard right now but I promise as each year passes it WILL get easier!"

Now we have Amanda (our nurse) come in 730-1030 to prepare Jon for the day
His Mom comes out on mondays for 2 hours to work him out, his brother Mark comes on Wednesdays to work him out for 2 hours, and he comes back again on Friday with Jons dad to work him out for 2 hours.
He eats lunch around 2pm, helps the girls with their homework and Anna gives him the medicine he needs at 4pm.
Jon is able to more around SOOOO much more-he can do his OWN pressure releases.
He doesnt need medication around the clock-he has been able to get himself off major medication and only use what is needed.
Jon is doing SO well-that often times people dont even realize he's paralyzed!!!

We have been SOOOOOOOOO blessed the past four years with help from our families and from all of our friends-we cant thank you enough for bearing this trial with us. It wouldnt have been possible without all of you-thank you.

Our future is SO BRIGHT right now and we are SO ready to bring it in!

Monday, March 08, 2010

How did I get so lucky?

Totally Stealing this idea from my friend-Thanks Amber!

One Random Day Snapshot:

ANOTHER Random Day Snapshot:

and YET ANOTHER Random Day Snapshot:

DUDE those were THREE DIFFERENT DAYS!! Do you feel my pain-they are MESSY!

Someone please tell me I am not alone here. Why do I have such messy girls?! I secretly hope they "snap out of it" by the time they go to college or get married. I apologize in advance to their poor husbands. Hopefully they all just marry someone rich so the maid is included.

Actually they are REALLY good about cleaning it up when I ask them to. I have taught them to make "piles." One trash, one clothes, one toys. THEN put the piles away-this way it's not so overwhelming to them.

I guess my problem is the upkeep-it's great for one day, then I dont say anything (cuz I am never in their rooms-I mean HELLO they can dress THEMSELVES!) so when I actually walk past it I just sigh and close the door. Maybe I need to just be better about having them check on their rooms EVERYDAY!? Is that the secret I am JUST NOW figuring out?!??! Maybe I should just be grateful this is my only low this week!

HIGHS: Every Fast Sunday we get together with Jons family. We usually rotate houses, but lately it has just been easier for us to all meet at his parents house in OC.

Robert doesnt have any meetings on Fast Sunday by choice OR COMMAND as he is the Bishop! HA
So we have Jons parents, our family, Todd & Celene's family, Scott & Kellie and cute little Esther. We always do a "potluck style." Last night Celene made taco soup, I brought a big green salad & made cheddar/jalapeno bread-UM GRUB, kellie brought cut up fruit, mom/dad made their famous punch & a BIG OL' chocolate cake!

I LOVE that my girls are older and there is NO diaper changing, or referring or getting to things we arent suppose to. All of our kids get along SO well-it's so great. I LOVE that we dont discuss boring things or plop ourselves infront of a football game (those are definately happening on other days!!). We are always discussing DEEP things. Whether it's church topics, politics, where we see ourselves in the future, when we think the SO CAL earthquake will hit, what food storage supplies we have etc.

I realize that I am not really "spiritual fed" at church, but when I visit Jons family-I am definately spiritually FED! I come away (as I am driving us all home) feeling so blessed to be in this family, so blessed to have so many righteous examples to TRY to emulate, so grateful our children all get along so well as cousins, so blessed to be encouraged to try harder, do better. I always feel like my "batteries get charged!"

QUESTIONS: What are your secrets to a fabulously well kept childs room?
Do your families get together each month for Fast Sunday? Do your families have great discussions?