I have been CRAZY BUSY with this:
Everyone has been very positive once they try the Sample and that makes me happy!
The CEO David Parker & Meagan contacted me to put together two events one Nov. 10th in the IE and one Nov. 11th in the OC--so BUSY STRESSFUL but OH SO MUCH FUN!!
I have been heavily campaigning for Mother of the Year still. Look what I did!
I know right--how awesome am I--this totally put me up a few notches. Well let's be for real here tho--I did JUST purchase all the stuff and let the girls put it up--besides nobody likes it when "their mom does everything!"--
I have a VERY FUN street with LOTS of kids--altho I didnt know ANY of them lived on the street. Leave it to my family to CUT OUR CABLE and make our kids go outside-it's amazing what happened...soon ALL these kids started coming out of their houses. Great for the kids! I was tired of all the stupid drivers that speeeed down my street-so I bought these:
TOTALLY WORKS! the cars actually even STOP with the 2 foot stop sign--awesome. I have been known to throw Becca's blanket at cars to get them to stop-even considered a toy baby with a "YA could have been my kid!" geesh.
Later in the week I got to deal with this:
cant be good! My dad came and fixed the problem YA FOR DADS!
Rachel has a group of girls come over to "hang out"--apparently this is what "hanging out is like?!":
fine and dandy by me...until the boys come over!
I posted on Facebook-BEST THING EVER that whoever was my 700th friend gets a "prize!" it ended up being my neighbor down the street. Funny story, both he and his wife got friend requests, but since he got to his laptop first, he got to be #700! So I made my prize and it was delivered!
consisted of del taco card, carls jr card, in n out card, gum, grape sparkling cider and 3 yummy smelling candles--just some of my very favorite things!
I helped volunteer at Time Out For Women here in Riverside. TOO MUCH FUN! I got to wear my staff badge and all--good times. I picked up these guys from the airport
and we've become fast friends. Jon & I have known Brad Wilcox for many years--I ended up taking them to in n out-a MUST in cali, and then they all came to our house.
We now have a full fledged pre-teen, complete with her first pair of Vans, skinny jeans, & braces!
I love Facebook because if I am lonely and bored one night at oh lets say 10pm, I have instant access to my OTHER lonely and bored women friends and we can meet at Chili's bra or no bra to have a SERIOUS grub down!
This was DELISH! We were working on our Sitcom-Hungry Housewives of Riverside--catchy huh!
Jon took our family to a Castle here in Riverside for some fundraiser something or another--they had face painting for the kids...uh overboard??
As you can see life has been still full of lots of fun and crazies--JUST how I want it!
1 year ago