Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rachels Firsts....

Today was Rachel's first experience at the Temple as a youth-she was there to participate in Baptisms...I completely forgot about telling her how she needs to dress, how she needs to bring extra clothing items, get an interview, questions that are asked, why she's doing this----of course leave it to me to wait till the LAST hour to cram all this information in right!? oops.

So i am on the cell phone & she's fighting me about why she has to wear a dress/skirt-why cant she wear shorts? if no shorts how about just pants--whats wrong with flip flops--on and on --poor thing i had to take a DEEP breath and start over..she kept thinking the "dress code" were our "family rules"...i know..i shouldnt have waited till the last hour..

Then began the conversation of "okay where do i change, how do i do that, will anyone see me, where's the key, i put it in what pocket, what if it falls out in the water, but im all wet, do they give towels, where does the wet jumpsuit go, question after question!! again..i know why did i wait till the last hour...

The bishopric counselor came-& she completed her interview and all was well.

She was happy to see that she was NOT the ONLY one wearing church clothes to the temple EVEN THO we told her OVER and OVER and OVER again-the temple is the Lord's house---we wear our BEST!! not shorts, no flip flops, etc etc..GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!!!!

Jon was able to talk to her after our "crammed discussion" about why we do the baptisms--& she felt great.

She also spent the day preparing for Girls Camp which starts for her on Monday--it will be quite nice to have some quiet in the house-she is SO good about playing with the girls doing fun things but when she's BORED...then she even better at pestering them-especially sarah--drives me bonkers--thats usually when i yell...okay enough-everyone's bored out to the pool!!!!!!!!!!

I gave her the list of things she's suppose to bring for Girls Camp-told her to put it all on her bed and then i'd check it off with her--she did manage to get everything off the list checked-WHEW!! it is WAY nice having kids that can do their OWN packing and take care of their OWN things---after she went downstairs and we got all the zippers zipped and ties tied for her luggage and sleeping bag..i wrote a nice sweet "i love you" kind of letter and tucked it into her sleeping bag so when she unravels her bag--she will see my note to her--
i figure that will make up for the cramming of the temple discussion earlier and put me BACK on track for the mother of the year award--right!??!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

On my way!

I have just joined a new company. It is called Nuriche (nourish).

Essentially it is THEE most convenient way to get ALL of your recommended fruits & veggies everyday. None of us are able to get what is recommended on a daily basis. This is a new product line that started in Dec of 08.

The product consists of a powder that contains 30 fruits, 30 veggies plus all the needed enzymes and probiotics your body needs. You just add water and boom there ya go! The most important part is that they take the fruits/veggies from the farms and pulverize them so they are liquid then they heat it at 80 degree's for just 30 seconds to put it in a powder form this makes it THEE MOST live whole fruit/veggie possible. (anytime fruit/veggies are heated or frozen it takes out the good nutrients) but by doing the heat at ONLY 80 for ONLY 30 seconds it makes it a live whole product. So that when you add the water, its as if YOU went to the same garden and picked out the fruits/veggies yourself and ate them. This product has NO chemicals, preservatives, fillers etc. Its all healthy & organic and live whole food.

Everyone, including myself, that have been using it has REALLY felt a difference in energy levels, vitality, clearer thinking, AND a bonus everyone on it is losing weight-like 30 lbs!

Id LOVE for you to try it and just give me your feedback on it!! Feel free to go to the website and look around.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

on the MEND!!!

I have spent 2 weeks in my room...thank goodness I have a laptop to keep me sane! I had gone to Urgent care on day 3, tested negative for strep. Back to my regular Dr on day 8, still negative for strep & told to take 1g of tylenol with 800mg motrin, back to a new Dr on day 10 & given a Zpack antibiotic. By day 12 I could tell an improvement but day 11, 12, 13 REALLLY tired -maybe from my body trying to fight that RAGING HORRIFIC sore throat I had for 10 STRAIGHT DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I am feeling better after being on the antibiotics and more rest...THANK HEAVENS!

Sadly Jon has come down with a Stage One pressure sore on his back. About the size of a dime. It is quite painful and requires him to stay out of his wheelchair and in his bed ALL DAY LONG. He is able to keep working on his laptop which helps to keep him sane and feeling productive. We have to keep watching it to see if it heals or progresses to Stage Two. He will most likely be confined to his bed for several weeks.

The older girls have been gone since Wednesday night with Jons parents on a house boat at Lake Powell, they will get home late sunday night. I am SURE they are having tons of fun!!

Monday, July 06, 2009

Sick mom makes for creative girls...

I have been up in my room for 8 days now with this terrible sore throat. I went to the dr's a second time only to hear that its still just a viral infection. He did tell me to up my tylenol dosage to 1g 4xs a day and my motrin to 600-800 3xs a day-SWEET! Hopefully this will manage the pain.

Since I am stuck in my room (REALLY dont want to share this with anyone especially jon!) the girls have had to entertain themselves here at home. One day Rachel decided to go all fancy and put a clean white table cloth on the dining room table and completely set it all fancy shmancy including salad plate, bread plate, etc etc--i thought they got a photo of it -but they did not! I was quite impressed.

They also decided to use my fabulous flip video camera and made "A Cinderella Production" in which Anna was Cinderella, who had mean step sisters Sarah & Becca while Rachel was the fairy godmother and film director. Again IMPRESSED! They LOVED doing this--

They also gutted out their rooms. They decided at 8pm last night to take that on (UGH the mother in me kept saying! My summer plan was to go thru their rooms and gut it out get rid of clothes that dont fit, toys they dont play with etc). They did a good job, but the bulk of it ended up in the hallway with the rest of it being "auctioned off" to anna & becca which really just meant it ended up on the floor in their room too. Dang.
They all surprised me this AM and had gotten everything out of the hallway to the trash and cleaned up the younger 2 girls' rooms.

Im beginning to think i need to be sick MORE OFTEN dont ya think!? I am lucky to have older girls that can make their own breakfasts, lunches & dinners when duty calls. I am lucky to have girls with wild imaginations & dont do too much fighting. Right now they are all in the piano room listening to youtubed songs while dancing--good times!

This wednesday the older two leave to lake powell with gma & gpa to go on a house boat the Goodman family has rented. They are WAY excited! The younger two have a couple of bday parties to go to-so they will have fun as well. Jon and I are going to a murder mystery party on friday night (note to self my inhouse babysitter will be in lake powell-better call for a "real" sitter!). Jon is going to be "Bond, Matt Bond-a devishly handsome rich man" I will be "Countess Alice de Ville-a stunning, weathly widow"! Should be fun-its a black tie affair so we will get to be dolled up-we have been to two of these that our friends put on-seriously SO FUN!

I hope to be on the mends-or atleast functioning with the good dosages of meds! I am done being stuck in my room-i am ready to be at the beach or the movies--thank heavens for my laptop to keep me connected to the outside world!!!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

sore throat, sore throat, sore throat....

That has pretty much CONSUMED my life the past 3 days! I am on day FOUR of this retarded sore throat deal. It seriously feels like its sunburned and being scraped with sand paper at the same time. I keep myself loaded up on motrin, halls drops, and LOTS OF SQUIRTS of chloreseptic....bugged.

Ive spent the last days upstairs in my room-I REALLY have to stay away from jon so that he does not get this. Thank goodness I have laptop to keep me company-I would be going crazy. The girls have been good about staying downstairs and keeping themselves entertained. Of course I still manage to keep the laundry going, making dinner (sort of-sometimes its which drive thru!?) etc. I tend to walk down every 3 hours to have the girls pick up the kitchen and put juice away, plates, cups etc. When will they learn huh??

Over the weekend I helped my friend Amy move from one house into another. I am grateful for a time in my life when I am able to help others. There have been many years of me needing to nurse a baby, change a diaper, or as of late see to the needs of Jon. I am grateful to be in this time and season that allows me to help others. It's good for the soul!

I have been TRYING to upload my blog from WAYYY back in 2006 to but it seems to keep crashing on me etc. So I just give up on it. But I am determined. I have been doing a blog each year and would like to compile it all into a hardbound book as a journal for our family from each year. This idea motivates me to keeping up the blog.