our roadshow is fast approaching-still going good there--
sarah's baptism is set for nov.3rd but there MIGHT be a possibilty to do it on another date so that JON CAN PERFORM the baptism-HELLO! would take a lot of work and a lot of help-but i know jons family would do whatever it took to make that happen..we asked sarah what she wanted and she immediately said she wanted "dad" to which it made jon cry...so touching..
i had to take jon to PW on thursday (sandra was busily eating im SURE on their mexican riveria cruise w/ grandma mikkelson-can you tell im SO JEALOUS! i miss cruises!!)and i noticed they were video taping him-i'll need to go online to www.projectwalk.org to see if they've FINALLY updated his video..
well life is busy as usual at the hales home...before i know it the holidays will be here..girls are having fun doing dance and cheerleading--i thought i'd have a houseful of athletes..guess that may have to wait till highschool years..
2 years ago